
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Political Agenda Overrides Party Loyalty

So now we need to support Mahathir and not allow Anwar to take over. And if all the Umno leaders need to resign and join PPBM then so be it. PPBM must be strengthened since Umno can no longer do the job. And PPBM will be strengthened once it has more seats than DAP and PKR. And for that to happen PPBM has to ‘steal’ the Umno seats, like what is currently happening.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Most non-Malays and the younger generation (Malays included) do not understand the game of politics — which can also be called the Game of Thrones. In the world of realpolitik, (Realpolitik: politics based on practical objectives rather than on ideals) the end justifies the means. Realpolitik thus involves a pragmatic approach to seeking power with a disregard for ethical considerations.
That is how ‘good’ politics is played. And even DAP plays politics this way. The DAP leaders can condemn Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Daim Zainuddin, Anwar Ibrahim, Rafidah Aziz, Muhyiddin Yassin, and many more, for 30 years and then at the drop of a panty can turn around and support them.
The Chinese applied these skills during the Malayan Emergency. At daytime they supported the government and at night they supported the CPM. One Chinese chap explained it by saying why drink one cup of tea when you can drink two? That was the reason the British built new villages and moved the Chinese into these new villages under night time curfew to stop them ‘supporting the CPM at night and drink two cups of tea’.

Terengganu and Kelantan will support anyone who serves the interest of the state

In realpolitik you place the cause above the party. The cause is your objective and the political party is merely the means or vehicle in achieving that objective.
Sabah politicians, on whichever side of the divide, have only MA63 and their oil as their prime objective. If USNO can serve this objective, they will join USNO. If USNO can no longer do it they will jump to Berjaya. If Berjaya falls they will join PBS. If PBS falters under the onslaught of Umno they will join Umno. And if Umno does not deliver they will move to any other party that can.
The Chinese are the same. They supported MCA to keep Umno in check. When MCA compromised itself and appeared to be Umno’s running dog they jumped to Gerakan. When Gerakan turned into just another MCA the Chinese migrated to DAP. Today, DAP Is the new Chinese champion.
The Indians, however, are not as clever as the Malays and Chinese. They stayed with MIC until MIC died and the Indians also died alongside MIC. And now the Indians complain they have been neglected and left behind. They should be grateful they have not been buried in their graves beside MIC’s grave. Anyway, all you need to do is give the Indians plenty of Hindu temples and they will grovel at your feet.

Sabah and Sarawak come first and the political party they support comes second

The Sabah politicians have just demonstrated their ‘true colours’. Sabah comes first and everything else second. If Umno can no longer protect Sabah’s interest then sayonara. The Sabah politicians will just move on, like they have done four times since 1963, to whichever party that can guarantee them the MA63 will be respected and the oil royalty protected.
Terengganu and Kelantan are following Sabah’s example. If Umno can protect Terengganu’s and Kelantan’s interest then they will support Umno. If Umno cannot even help itself, let alone help Terengganu and Kelantan, then sayonara Umno. Terengganu and Kelantan understand realpolitik enough to know if they need to work with Mahathir to protect the state’s interest they will do so.
Many of us supported Najib Tun Razak when Mahathir tried to oust him in December 2014. And we continued to support him right up to GE14 in May 2018. Friends ask how we could support Najib in spite of the 1MDB scandal and so on.
Well, first of all, nothing had been proven yet. Up till today, they are all merely allegations. Najib has not been convicted or sentenced for any crime related to 1MDB. If Lim Guan Eng is considered innocent until proven guilty (and is still considered innocent until today) then why should the same standards not apply to Najib as well? Why is Najib subjected to different rules just because he is not Chinese?
Secondly, there is a far bigger and more important objective than the 1MDB issue. And that issue that overrides 1MDB is to not allow the DAP Chinese to grab power. It does not matter what Najib may or may not have done. What matters is that if Najib falls the DAP Chinese would be in power. So, let it be ten 1MDBs. Who cares? Asal jangan DAP berkuasa!

Today it is no longer about Najib or Umno but about Mahathir versus Anwar

So, back in 2014, Najib needed to be defended. But now Najib has fallen so that is all water under the bridge. DAP is already practically running the government. But DAP cannot be allowed to become stronger. And DAP will become stronger if Mahathir is ousted and Anwar Ibrahim takes over as Prime Minister.
So now we need to support Mahathir and not allow Anwar to take over. And if all the Umno leaders need to resign and join PPBM then so be it. PPBM must be strengthened since Umno can no longer do the job. And PPBM will be strengthened once it has more seats than DAP and PKR. And for that to happen PPBM has to ‘steal’ the Umno seats, like what is currently happening.
Now do you know how realpolitik or the Game of Thrones is played? The end justifies the means or matlamat menghalalkan cara. That is what separates the men from the boys and if you are still a boy pergi main jauh-jauh!

If Umno can no longer deliver then it is time to move on

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