
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What Did The 8 December Anti-ICERD Rally Achieve?

So, again, what did the 8 December 2018 anti-ICERD rally achieve? Nothing! Unless the 8 December 2018 anti-ICERD rally can put more money in my pocket, then it has achieved nothing. Would ratifying ICERD put more money in my pocket? Would NOT ratifying ICERD put more money in my pocket? Unless you can translate ratifying or not ratifying ICERD to putting money in my pocket then I do not care two hoots about the issue. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Most of the discussions surrounding the 8 December 2018 anti-ICERD rally is regarding the crowd turnout. The crowd turnout ranges from 30,000 to 1.5 million depending on who is estimating the figures. Those opposed to the rally will quote the lower figure while the supporters quote the higher figure.
On whether the anti-ICERD rally was a success or failure depends on whether you support Pakatan Harapan or not. Pakatan Harapan supporters say the rally was a failure while those opposed to Pakatan Harapan say it was a success.
The success and failure of the rally is measured by the crowd turnout. The higher the crowd turnout the higher the success rate.

Success and failure is measured in terms of crowd, or ‘size matters’

The fact that the organisers said they expected a crowd turnout of 500,000 means this is the benchmark. Anything below 500,000 would be considered a failure while a crowd turnout of 500,000 and above would be considered a success.
I suppose this is how other successes are measure in Malaysia as well. Robert Kuok is a success because he has billions to his name. Tan Chee Khoon is a failure because he lived modestly and died relatively poor. Robert Kuok is worth one million Tan Chee Khoons by Malaysian standards.
And that is why in Malaysia it is all about accumulating wealth. Everyone wants to appear successful. And it does not matter how you accumulate your wealth as long as you get rich. When Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan campaign in the general elections, it is all about promising more money to the people. Both sides make these promises.

Umno’s and MCA’s strength was money

Only PAS promises heaven. All the others promise more money in your pocket. And since the new government was formed in May 2018, all it has done is arrest people suspected of stealing money. And the more money you are accused to have stolen the more charges you will face.
Finally, all those accused of stealing money would have been arrested, tried and probably even sent to jail. What then? Well, they will continue to bongkar the transgressions of those who used to walk in the corridors of power right until GE15 in May 2023 or so. Then Malaysian will go to the polls and Pakatan Harapan will proudly announce the number of people who have been arrested over those five years and the amount of money involved.
“From 2018 to 2023, X number of people have been arrested, put on trial (and some even found guilty and jailed for X number of years) for the amount of X billions of Ringgit stolen over nine years from 2009 to 2018,” will be what the voters will be told.

This is why voters voted for you

Yes, money stolen from 2009 to 2018, not money stolen from 1981 to 2018 even if the figure may be ten times bigger.
And with that announcement, 15-16 million Malaysians will come out to vote to give Pakatan Harapan another five years to rule from 2023 to 2028.
Anyway, before we go further, you should read these two articles (analyses):

‘Enough distractions, PH’ by Kua Kia Soong (READ HERE)

‘What Malay-Muslim nationalism is, and how it matters’ by Ooi Kok Hin (READ HERE)

Now do you know why I suggested you read those two articles or analyses?
Okay, back to the subject matter of today. What did the 8 December 2018 anti-ICERD rally achieve? In terms of crowd turnout, nothing (even if 1.5 million did come out). It is not how many people rally on the streets or attend your ceramah. It is whether you are going to garner enough votes in the next general election to be able to form the government.
At the end of the day it is going to be all about money. BREXIT is about money. GE15 is going to also be about money. The Chinese and Indians migrated to Malaya from the 1850s to the 1920s because of money. They refused to go home and chose to remain in independent Malaya in 1957 because of money. One million Malaysians live and work overseas because of money.

Malaysians are motivated by only one thing: MONEY

For 63 years since 1955 (until 2018) most Malays preferred to vote for Umno instead of PAS because of money. Until 2008, most Chinese preferred to vote for MCA and Gerakan instead of DAP because of money. And many Malaysians voted for Pakatan Harapan instead of Barisan Nasional in 2018 because of money (or the promise of more money once GST is abolished and corruption is eliminated or reduced to almost zero).
So now Malaysians are shouting, “Show me the money!” And if you cannot show them the money they will soon get tired of you. Arrest everyone. Send them to jail. Make them pay for stealing our money. But after everything is said and done, show me the money.
So, again, what did the 8 December 2018 anti-ICERD rally achieve? Nothing! Unless the 8 December 2018 anti-ICERD rally can put more money in my pocket, then it has achieved nothing. Would ratifying ICERD put more money in my pocket? Would NOT ratifying ICERD put more money in my pocket? Unless you can translate ratifying or not ratifying ICERD to putting money in my pocket then I do not care two hoots about the issue.

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