
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Yoursay: ‘Before shooting for the stars, mend our broken education system first’

YOURSAY | ‘How come the PM is doing your job, Mazlee?’
Anonymous_1528103253: When it comes to education, it is important for everyone to note that the education landscape, teaching strategies and lesson deliveries vary for different ages.
With an outcome in mind, the minister of education must plan strategically to ensure students are equipped with essential problem-solving skills and team-learning attitudes to form a solid foundation for lifelong learning.
Policies must not be made by scholars who have insufficient experience in dealing with children from ages five onwards.
Meanwhile, the ministry must restructure better assessment models to ensure they recognise teachers who are passionate and good at teaching.
Only within a secular teaching and learning environment can we find one education system that will fit the masses. Inculcating good moral and societal values may end up being more beneficial to the country instead of catering to various religious needs.
The general public is also a big stakeholder in the educational landscape. Have you done your part to put forward a message of a consensus to make government schools a secular environment and to take up the responsibility for the cultural and religious learning of your child?
Instead of waiting for the government, do something positive by reaching out to fellow citizens, regardless of race, to propagate the idea of secular schools and their advantages.
There will be resistance, but Rome was not built overnight. For a “Tiger Malaysia” in many years to come, it’s a worthy cause to set aside differences in order to work towards a common goal.
Malaysian-United: The prime minister is only pointing out the obvious to Education Minister Maszlee Malik.
Without the prime minister telling him what to do, Maszlee would likely be picking out colours for school uniforms to go with black shoes and black socks.
BH Yap: How come the prime minister is doing your job, Mazlee? The problem is so glaring and yet you chose to talk about black shoes and hotel swimming pools.
Wg321: Dr Mahathir Mohamad can see what Maszlee cannot see. This is where experience counts. It is very unfortunate that Mahathir cannot be the education minister due to the Pakatan Harapan manifesto.
Maszlee should look into why there is an overemphasis on the Islamic religion and practices in national schools.
Instead, there should be emphasis on science, mathematics, technology, artificial intelligence, the proper study of the English language by immersion, etc. the knowledge of which will eventually secure jobs.
This type of input is far more important than trivial issues like black shoes and socks, and access to hotel swimming pools.
Vent: For the 48-year-old academician to be literally directed to improve his act is further evidence that this man is a disastrous choice to lead the Education Ministry.
Is it not more than apparent to the prime minister that Maszlee is utterly incompetent? Or does being a Bersatu member fudge the issue for Mahathir?
Before shooting for the stars, mend the broken education system first. How about injecting the proper teaching of Maths and Science, and both English and Malay, rejecting racism and ejecting religio-fascism for starters?
How about that, prime minister?
Idiocracy: We have ministers who hold power merely because they were elected and they don't listen to people any more.
During campaigns they never had to “sell” policy ideas; they only got by with bickering and name-calling. Now they find themselves dumbfounded when confronted with real policy discussions.
Enlighten: Artificial Intelligence and coding can be taught in universities. For fundamentals, make sure you have a world-class curriculum for English, Mathematics and Science.
For Mathematics, you can copy and paste from Singapore’s curriculum which has been adopted by Israel and certain high schools in the US.
Anonymous_2dfe64eb: To prepare students for the challenges of Industrial Revolution 4.0, including coding and artificial intelligence in the curriculum is the right thing.
However, the challenge is how to fit in so many different subjects in the limited timetable of the school curriculum. Science, technology and innovation should be taught in parallel with all other essential subjects, rather than as individual subjects.
Civics education, religious study, etc, should just become optional. It does not prepare the students for the jobs of tomorrow.
Anonymous_c9b96c38: Leave race and religion out of national education. We need the best system to bring up all school children to be world-class citizens.
Parents who insist on race and religion in education should place their children in separate schools and not drag everyone down.
Frankly, I don’t see that happening and our education system will remain under par until the influence of those people harping on race and religion is curtailed drastically.
Anonymous_2450959d: Honestly, the Malays are the worst affected by this – they have been left behind.
Maszlee, get your act together and fix our education system. Unless, the aim of the government is to continue keeping the Malays in the dark.
Skippy: Oh, don't forget about accounting knowledge. We're going to need lots of auditors in the future in MACC and the police force to make sure Pakatan Harapan and whatever comes after them do not fool the people again. - Mkini

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