
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 5, 2019

Kabinet Bayangan Anwar Ibrahim - Zahid Hamidi ? ? ?

I just received this via email. This is of course speculative. 
But it is interesting for some reasons. 
First lets see what it is all about :

Salam Tuan Syed,

Berikut kami lampirkan Kabinet bayangan Anwar Zahid Hamidi. 
Kami peroleh dari sumber dalaman A _ .

- Zahid bersungguh2 nak jadi presiden Umno semula sebab mahu deal dengan AI.
- AI janjikan jawatan TPM & Menteri KDN pada Zahid
- AI gila kuasa mahu Menteri Kawangan
Geng Azmin semua digugur dari Kabinet
- Rafizi di lantik Timbalan Menteri Kewangan, Senator. 
Untuk check n balance pada Guan Eng
Nazri Aziz dan Dr Noraini dari UMNO di lantik ke Kabinet.

Kami namakan ini Kabinet "L_wat" Malaysia kerana bukan dari mandat rakyat, tapi pintu belakang.

Mohon Tuan Syed dapat dedahkan komplot mereka ini. Sekian

My comments :

What is interesting is that this "shadow Cabinet" envisages UMNO, Warisan, Bersatu, PKR, Amanah and DAP to be all on the same side.  This adds up to about 180 seats - more than a 2/3 majority in Parliament.

This would be a very solid majority in Parliament.  
There will also be no more effective opposition in Parliament.

PAS, MIC, MCA, Gerakan and the other Sarawak and Sabah parties are not in the lineup.  

Mukhriz Mahathir is not in the lineup.

There are some  points that have to be ironed out.
Zahid Hamidi is facing about 100 corruption charges.
What happens to the 100 charges? 
Another haphazard Royal Pardon?

Or the AG just drops the case?
Like Malaysia Baru? 

Someone has gone to some trouble to craft this up.
It just shows how uncertain is the situation in the country.

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