
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 27, 2023

'Baseless fear-mongering' - PKR man dismisses land ownership warning

A Penang PKR leader has dismissed concerns raised by Tasek Gelugor MP Wan Saiful Wan Jan that the government is trying to undermine Malay property ownership and demographic spread through plans to consult public housing experts from Singapore.

Contrary to Wan Saiful's argument that Penang recorded a lower bumiputera land and property ownership compared to the Chinese, Penang PKR information chief Amir Ghazali cited a bigger issue of occupied land with no registered owner.

"His statement was baseless and an attempt at fear-mongering by accusing that the DAP-led (state) government will dominate land ownership.

"The fact is that it entirely contradicts a previous statement raised by Penang Intellectuals Association chairperson Muhammad Farid Saad that there are tens and thousands of land whose ownership was not registered according to the National Land Code 1995," he said.

"Another problem arising is that the land occupied by residents has no grant to prove their ownership and they have never paid any tax to the state government," he said.

Amir cited the existence of 200 heritage villages in Penang - including one from the times of the Japanese occupation - that maintained their traditional elements despite being surrounded by modern developments.

"So, the issue of Malay residents being evicted due to new housing developments does not arise.

"In fact, the Penang government through a policy to provide new housing areas has come forward to assist with solutions (for homeowners)," he said.

Public housing

Amir noted that the Singaporean Housing Development Board (HDB) model in particular was intended to provide large numbers of public housing sold by the government, particularly in densely populated areas, in order for the prices to be kept lower than private developers.

Amir (above) also reminded Wan Saiful that the issue had been an ongoing problem since the time Penang was led by Gerakan from 1990 to 2008 - then a part of BN and now PN - together with Bersatu and PAS.

"So, why is it that only now the question of land ownership in Penang is made into a major issue with intentions to blame the state government led by DAP?" said Amir, claiming that Wan Saiful as an MP had even failed to show up in his own constituency since winning the seat.

Wan Saiful's remarks followed Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming's revelation earlier this week that his ministry would be meeting with contractors from Singapore's HDB in order to learn about the nation-state's successful public housing programme.

Various PN leaders from Bersatu and PAS also accused Nga of having a racial agenda to oppress the Malay-Muslim community by emulating Singapore’s housing plans.

The minister, who threatened legal action against false and slanderous media reports, also denied reported claims that the plan to consult Singaporean experts was intended to replace those who underperformed in his own ministry. - Mkini

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