
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Dasar Bunuh Diri : Khusus Bagi Penyokong Dasar Ekonomi Baru, Dasar Ketuanan, Dasar Makan Free, Dasar Kaum Eelit Kaya

 There is a soalan cepu mas at the end.

Please watch this short video. It is full of information and very scary too. The lady talks about people's inability to put food on the table for their children.

I have some other comments after this.

 To the lady in the video, thank you for the information. May I suggest that
you display your name clearly for people to know you. Thanks again.
This year 2023 is the year the economy is going to keel over and die. It will actually be suicide - government assisted suicide or euthanasia. 
This month January 2023 the electricity tariffs are being hiked up for Medium Voltage and High Voltage industrial users. An extra 20 sen per kWh from the 30-38  sen per kWh now.  That is a maximum jump of about 66%.

Building managements all over the country are already pondering hiking up maintenance fees, spending extra money to lower electricity consumption etc (changing lighting to LED). Factories are going to suffer higher productions costs. They will increase their selling prices to recoup the higher costs. There is going to be more price inflation.
Households will not save even one sen in power bills. Your power bill for January will be the same as before. WHY? Because there is no reduction in power tariffs for households. But believe me the prices of all goods will go up even higher.  The ordinary people are going to suffer even more.

Then the new "employment law" is also kicking in. Here is an old news clip:

min wage RM1,500 from May 1 (2022) for companies with 5 or more employees  
from Jan 1, 2023 for those with less than five employees 
already increased operating costs, pushing them to brink of survival
Employment (Amendment) Act “last straw to break camel’s back”
weekly working hours reduced from 48 hours to 45 hours 
employees with wages up to RM4,000/month entitled to overtime 
adds additional wage costs for businesses
This is already creating havoc. I have some personal knowledge of this - from this week. 
Because of the REDUCED working hours (from 48 hours to 45 hours per week) a restaurant chain near my house has to hire more workers. But the workers are now going to earn less money. 
Presently the workers earn RM1,500 minimum wages plus commissions and overtime of RM500 or more = RM2000 per month. 
They work about 60 hours a week - which is no big deal for mostly young kids. (Since time immemorial retail has always been 10 hour days, with overtime pay).
But now the amended employment act says they cannot work more than 45 hours a week. (Folks all this is part of that really stupid woke and global warming mob. This is part of their agenda).  

So the restaurant chain has no choice but to hire more staff but pay them less. Because they try to maintain their total monthly wage expenses to about the same as before. 

Here is a simple calculation. 

Say they have six workers earning RM1500 minimum wages plus RM500 commission, OT = RM2000 wages per month per worker x 6 workers = RM12,000 total monthly wage expenses.

Now because of the 45 hour work week the restaurant has to hire TWO extra workers. But because of less working hours there is almost ZERO overtime payable and the workers commissions are also much less (since commissions are also tied to working hours). 

So now the restaurant has 8 workers earning about RM1,500 only = RM12,000 monthly wage bill.
The restaurant's total monthly wage bill remains about the same but they have more workers.

The workers monthly earnings have just gone down. What this means is that this employment amendment has REDUCED THE PER CAPITA GDP of the workers. You have just made them poorer.
But this is not the worst case. The worst case is some employers just cannot afford all this "higher minimum wages less working hours" crap. They will just fire some workers or hire less workers. The unemployment is going to increase. 
Now here is the soalan cepu mas. Do you think the folks in this picture below here will understand all this? Do you think they will even understand what that lady is saying in that video? I dont think so.


What about all the ketuanan Tan Sris and Dato Sris from the rent seeking masses? Do you think you will understand what is going on?

And if you do understand will you care?
Or maybe you are just looking to buy that new car?  Life has to go on. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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