
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Dr M 1.0, Badawi govt, Najib govt, Dr M 2.0 govt, Muhyiddin govt, Sabri govt, PH govt, weak govt, strong govt, back door, side door they will NOT change policy.

 First here is a global fund manager  :



I beg to differ.

The policies are NOT going to change.

The reason is crony capitalism and the politics of patronage. This also includes KETUANAN MELAYU because political patronage, crony capitalism and KETUANAN MELAYU go hand in hand.

Dr Mahathir's policies were actually political patronage KETUANAN MELAYU policies.

Dr Mahathir actually said this : 'Instead of giving multi billiuon contracts to non Malays I might as well give it to the Malays' (or close to that effect).

He also said 'Whoever is the first to bring up a new idea for privatisation projects he will get it" (or close to that effect).

And KETUANAN MELAYU political patronage policies have remained in place through Badawi, Najib, Dr M 2.0, Muhyiddin, Sabri and up to now.

1. The protective barriers for Proton are all still in place. 

First of all what exactly are the protective barriers?

It is the sum total of the unusually high import duties, import taxes, levies, APs (or whatever other camouflage they want to call it) for imported cars. These are all protective barriers. They are still in place. 

Proton is now 49.9% owned by Geely. The other Malaysian owner is a long time associate of Dr Mahathir. The CEO is a Geely appointed person.  Yet Proton is still protected  by all the protective barriers. 

As a result car prices in Malaysia are among the highest in the world - two or more times higher than world market prices. This is the "Proton policy" - protective barriers against imported cars. The protective barriers are not going to come down. This is not going to change. From Dr Mahathir, Badawi, Najib until now there has been no change.

2. Another one of Dr Mahathir's damaging policies was creating government licensed monopolies. This includes the rice import monopoly - which is owned by the same fellow who holds the other portion of Proton. 

The rice import monopoly has survived Dr Mahathir, Badawi, Najib, Dr M again, Muhyiddin, Sabri and the latest government. It is certainly not going to change.

And lo and behold the rice import monopoly fellow has been allowed to keep his rice import monopoly. Surprised? Dont be. The "damaging policies" created by Dr Mahathir are not going to change. 

Because this is political patronage and KETUANAN MELAYU both rolled into one.

3. Toll Highways - among the more impoverishing policies from Dr Mahathir's time are the toll highways. I fully supported the creation of the national highway system. But nobody liked the toll collection being given to an UMNO company. 

Now despite the passage of 28 years there seems to be NO END to the collection of tolls on the highways - even though the original concession periods have expired. They renew the concessions and they keep going on forever.

The toll highways have survived all the prime ministers after Dr M 1.0. There is no indication the tolls will be abolished.

3. The government banking cartel or the banking oligopoly.

This is perhaps the single most destructive and damaging policy that has been inherited from the Mahathir era - the banking oligopoly.  The main so called "anchor banks" are all controlled by the government. They are GLCs. The banking cartel is strictly controlled and no new entrants are allowed. The banking cartel is closely linked to KETUANAN MELAYU and political patronage.

A country with 33 million people and a GDP of over USD370 billion (RM1.6 Trillion) has only a handful of licensed banks to provide financial services.

4. Numerous other government licensed or government owned monopolies.

There are numerous other government granted monopolies and oligopolies in Malaysia. There are only FOUR supply bases allowed in Malaysia and all four MUST be bumiputra owned.   This also includes government owned.

There are only FOUR licenses issued to process gaharu wood.

There is only one power utility in Malaysia. From January 2023 they raised the power tariff, for medium and high voltage industry users, by a whopping 20 sen per kWh (between 50% - 66% increase). 

There is only one monopoly allowed to calibrate weighing machines throughout the country.

There is only one monopoly that services and maintains all government vehicles.

There is only one land-line telephone services provider.

There is only one satellite TV provider (now losing market share to Streamyx, YouTube etc).

There is only one digital broadcast services provider (the same fellow with  the rice and the car).

There is one fellow with the 5G spectrum license (the same fellow again).

Most of these very damaging monopolies were created by Dr Mahathir but not surprisingly at all these damaging policies have survived after Dr Mahathir until today. These damaging policies will not change.

5. The Education system is rotten to the core. This is another set of damaging policies inherited from Dr Mahathir. There will be no non Malay VCs appointed to any of the government universities. This has been the policy from Dr Mahathir through Badawi, ding dong, ding bat, until today. This policy will not change. Never mind the kids become dumber after going through school.

6. The mystery over the abduction and disappearance of Pastor Koh, Amri Che Mat, Pastor Hilmy and his wife Ruth will not be solved.  From Najib, Dr M 2.0, Muhyiddin, Sabri and now - the mystery will remain unsolved.

The mystery over the mass graves found at Klian Intan under Najib's tenure will also not be solved or the files reopened. After Najib through Dr M 2.0, Muhyiddin, Sabri and the latest incumbent this case too will remain as it is.

These cases are too 'sensitive' which can possibly implicate too many people. So they will remain unsolved.

Yes Dr Mahathir created many of the damaging policies. 

  • However Badawi did not change them. Why not?
  • Najib did not change them.  Why not?
  • Dr M 2.0 certainly did not change them.  Why not?
  • Muhyiddin did not change them.  Why not?
  • Sabri did not change them.  Why not?
  • Do you honestly think the present fellow will change them? 

Not likely at all. Why not? 

So what will happen?  The government will keep getting kicked out.

Because the people will see no tangible improvement in their lives or tangible improvement  in the way the country is run.

For the information of the KETUANAN MELAYU people, listen carefully. Many Malay voters DO NOT like what you like. That is why NONE of the so called MALAY BASED parties won a solid majority in GE15. Or even in GE14.

So what will happen?  The government will keep getting kicked out.

As long as those "damaging policies" from Dr Mahathir's time are not thrown into the garbage bin, whichever government that keeps those same policies will be voted out.  

For example this government has decided to keep intact the monopolies and oligopolies created under Dr Mahathir. Including the high car prices and the never ending tolls. 

So lets see how long this government will last. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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