
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Mind Mapping : Where Do You Stand? Or Sit?

 I got this screen shot off a video. It shows the so many sects and divisions who call themselves whatever they call themselves. 


On the extreme right (top most) partly hidden behind that logo is written 'Khawarij'. The anglicised version of khawarij is 'kharijites'.

'The term comes from the Arabic root خ ر ج, which has the primary meaning "to leave" or "to get out", as in the basic word خرج, ḵẖaraja, "to go out". The term Khawarij is anglicized to 'Kharijites' from the singular Khariji'.

There was a sect called kharijiyah which referred to the seceders or those who rejected the mainstream. 

According to the foggy blur of imaginary history (which has become fact after constant repetition)  the Khawarij were the fellows who rejected ALL the successors to the Caliphate.

The foggy blur says that when they met the Caliphs they asked "impertinent" questions like "How do we know you are a Muslim? So how do we accept you as Caliph?"  Then they swung the swords.   

So they were wiped out. Remnants of the khawarij remain in Oman and tiny communities in North Africa. 

"Oman is the only country in the Muslim world with an Ibadi-majority population. Ibadism is an offshoot of the Kharijite movement that began after 632 A.D., predating both the Sunni and Shia denominations. The Ibadis believe that the leadership of Islam should not be hereditary. - A (Brief) History of Islam in Oman, Butterfield & Robinson"

"A second Ibadi state was established in Oman in 750, but fell to the newly formed Abbasid Caliphate in 752. Another Ibadi state was established in Oman in 793,[25] surviving for a century until Abbasid recapture in 893. Ibadi imamates were re-established in subsequent centuries.[28] Ibadis still form the majority of the contemporary Omani population and the royal family of Oman are Ibadi"

Just a walkabout. Some madness to the method. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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