
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, January 21, 2023


 The rumours come possibly from some MIC people. These are just rumours.  Its too late in the day to play badminton and its also raining so you cannot go out to play football either. So if you think you have some time to kill you can entertain yourself to some rumours. 

The rumours say that MIC and MCA may be talking to Bersatu / PN. Talking about what? Please release clutch and engage gear satu.

 The question is why? 

The answer is because of my 'Sequence Theory'. Here it is again :

"The Sequence"

1. The new prime minister is elected / manouevred into position. His supporters have high hopes for him.

2. The new prime minister immediately starts to bungle. He makes wrong policy decisions (or continues with failed policies), makes humongous mistakes, talks out of his @$$ bla bla.

3. The suffering of the people is not only NOT alleviated but it becomes worse. Especially for the Malays and bumiputras. 

4. Then when the By Elections come by (and there will always be By Elections) the new prime minister starts losing By Elections. This is confirmation that the new prime minister does not have the support of the people. This is what happened to Dr Mahathir post 2018.

5. When he loses the support of the people the new prime minister's own party members, HIS COALITION PARTNERS, his own MPs, ADUNs will start scheming and plotting against him.  Then they may choose dinner at the Hilton, the Sheraton, the Shangri La etc.

This is 'The Sequence' of events of how Dr M 2.0,  Muhyiddin Yassin, Ismail Sabri lost their perch.

Fast forward to today - in comparison to the PH of 2018 (post GE14) the present PH of 2022 (post GE15) has also lost their first By Election.

Padang Serai was actually a By-Election and the PH got thrashed by the Perikatan Nasional. The PN candidate secured 51,000 votes versus 35,000 votes for PH, a whopping majority of 16,000 votes.


And now there is plenty of talk that the PH will fare poorly in the upcoming State Elections in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Negeri.

Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan will almost certainly go to Perikatan Nasional.  

There are now suggestions that the PH will fare badly in their own PH held states namely Penang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan.

In Penang the PH is expected to lose most if not all Malay majority seats on the mainland (Seberang).   There are 20 - 21 seats on the mainland side.

In Selangor the odds in favour of the PH retaining Selangor are "said" to be 60:40 (dont ask who 'said' it lah, I just heard it). Meaning PH will still win Selangor but with a greatly reduced majority.  And on the off chance, if the winds are blowing from the right direction the PH may even lose Selangor to Perikatan Nasional.

Some folks feel strongly that the PH will lose Negeri  Sembilan to the PN.  

So the outcome of the upcoming State elections in those SIX States is going to be quite detrimental to the PH.

So if I heard about all this, rest assured the politicians have also heard about them as well. 

Now please bear in mind 'The Sequence' I have mentioned above.  Within less than two months of taking office, the PH is indeed losing its popularity really very fast. 

The Zahid Hamidi shenanigans are really going to cost the PH plenty. Zahid Hamidi is a real millstone hanging around the neck of the PH.  

Plus the presidents of the two components have never denied that they signed that letter asking for Zahid to resign as BN Chairman.

Sila ikat batu pada tengkok lepas itu terjun ke dalam laut


Then since Nov 24th 2022 there are the lacklustre, simplistic, foolish or "no change" policies being implemented by the PH gomen. The same policies created by the Barisan Nasional over 52 years are just being continued. No change. For example :
  • The bungles over shortages of chicken and eggs has still not come to an end.  
  • The previous government's 10% tax on online purchases (below RM500) will be implemented by the new gomen. 
  • The Minimum Wages and the amendments to the employment act are also causing havoc in the economy.   
  • That is why lately there is less talk about KOS SARA HIDUP anymore.  
  • Sensationalising the Tommy Thomas book
  • The absence of any Tamils on the Education Advisory Board has irked many Indians.

Therefore because of all these and more some of the COALITION PARTNERS may be of the view that they have bet on a lame horse.  So it is time to switch horses.

Hence the rumours.  

Bersatu and PN do not have a strong multi-racial component. If MIC and MCA can "talk" to Bersatu / PN that may create new beginnings as well.

These are just rumours.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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