
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 2, 2023

PN’s strategy of using 'infidelic' Western values


"Don’t ever take the infidelic West as an example, because the best of them will still end up in hell, since their kindness is without any faith to Allah and the end times."

– PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang

If Perikatan Nasional cannot get through the front door to the throne of Putrajaya, they will use the back door. However, this piece is not about the latter, it is about the former.

PN for whatever reason has proven to be very adroit at using Western (and Chinese) tech media and Western progressive democratic values (free speech and assembly for example) to reap the rewards of decades of religious indoctrination by the state.

What we are dealing with here is a strategy to use Western democratic values to subvert this country into a theocratic paradise.

When Muhyiddin Yassin, the former prime minister and Abdul Hadi Awang frontman, says this for instance "There are also those who express open support for other parties including Pakatan Harapan and BN. This is their right in a democratic country”, what he is doing is using those “infidelic” Western values to promote religious and racial extremism into the Malaysian body politic.

That PAS rep who was allegedly banned from preaching in a mosque in Pahang said this in the defence of his religion and yes, free speech - "As a teacher, InsyaAllah I choose to be professional. I have never mentioned PAS or any other political parties during my classes. We only spoke about the Quran and hadith (the prophet's teaching), about Islam and enemies of Islam.”

First of all, as Hadi said, in Islam, there is no demarcation between the state and religion, hence there is no way, this PAS preacher was separating his faith from his politics.

Secondly, the enemies of Islam as defined by Hadi (and let us be honest, he is the voice of mainstream Islam in this country) are the DAP, liberal Malays, LGTBQ folk, anyone who believes in Western values and of course anyone who disagrees with him.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang

Remember when Utusan Melayu claimed that the former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and now Pejuang head was working with the enemies of Islam because he hooked up with the DAP in 2016? PAS’ then-spiritual adviser the late Haron Din claimed: "When you befriend the enemies of Islam, you will become just like them."

And really, when it comes to the Islam PAS and PN advocate, it is not even about good governance and anti-corruption. Why do I say this?

Because Hadi told us when he wrote - "If the one leading is a Muslim, even if he were cruel, at least (others) can become cattle herders. But if the one who leads is a non-Muslim, even if he were the kindest, (others) can work however they wish (but) without any limit of what is halal and haram they will still end up in hell." And this was in 2019.

So when Muhyiddin and PN blather on about corrupt politicians in Harapan, it means bupkis because as Hadi said it doesn’t matter if they were cruel as long as they were Muslim.

So why is it that PN uses all these vile Western values when advocating that only Muslims even if corrupt, should lead the faithful?

Well, it is simple. They understand that the electoral legerdemain and Western democratic values, which they claim to despise, are, for now, the quickest and easiest way to assume the throne of Putrajaya.

Free speech trampled on

I am not a free speech absolutist but this idea that there is free speech in this country is absolute bunkum.

Look, non-Malays are banned from using certain words. Books, films and art are routinely banned. The progressive bloc in this country has not met a religious or racial issue they have not run away from.

During Muhyiddin's tenure and even Harapan's short stint, free speech was trampled on. So saying that this country has free speech laws is delusional.

The only folks who seem to have the protection of these “infidelic” Western values, like free speech, are people like Hadi and the numerous hate preachers who routinely demonise people of other faiths, sexual orientations and differing values because the state will not act against them.

Even when it comes to the three “Rs”, the so-called Umno “tiang”, the PN-led PAS could not give a fig.

Openly disagreeing with the Selangor sultan ad calling for state theocratic rebellion against the sultan, when it came to the Bon Odori festival, was a way of flexing PAS' muscles.

Bon Odori festival

The fact that there has been no sanction from the royal institution is indicative of the growing power of this theocratic party. Please keep in mind that what PAS was doing was merely exercising its Western infidelic right of free speech.

Calling for non-Muslims to be pak turut and thumbing his nose at the state security apparatus, is merely PAS' way through Hadi of demonstrating they are above the secular laws of this country.

And because the state security apparatus has been infiltrated by the deep Islamic state, nobody really will do anything against this seditious behaviour.

This pandemic and the failure of PAS-led governments in certain states have demonstrated that PAS political operatives are more than willing to lead the Malay community to the slaughterhouse - as long as PAS political operatives can benefit from the gravy train that powers the ketuanan bureaucracy.

This is why when Muhyiddin says "I know many influential parties, including independent preachers and famous artistes, who openly supported PN during the last GE15”, it is because those famous artists and influential preachers understand that as the elites in a theocratic state they would be shielded from the harsh laws and diktats of the theocracy and enjoy a life of privilege that the average Muslim and especially non-Muslim would not.

Now there are certain democratic values and principles that would nullify PN attempts and this would mean instituting policies of institutional reforms which includes electoral reforms which is what made Hadi go into conniptions in the first place.

Of course, there are laws on the books, which could be used against these hate mongers but because the state has shown no inclination to persecute these cretins, they will carry on subverting the democratic processes with the aim of turning this democracy into a theocracy.

In this new year, rest assured that Hadi and PN will continue enjoying their infidelic Western rights, while the rest of us wonder how long democracy lasts in this country. - Mkini

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (Rtd) of the Royal Malaysian Navy. Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum - “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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