
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 27, 2023

Rafizi's Economic Skills Are At The Level Of A 'Pengerusi Koperasi Sekolah Menengah'.

 That is what this video says:


Rafizi really keeps making the dumbest and the most stupid statements about the economy. Can someone - maybe the boss - tell Rafizi to just keep quiet? Because it is really making the gomen look foolish.

Your really clueless Economy minister is making the market jittery. 

Rafizi's goal in life is to teach people to shop at stores that are cheapr.

Even Rafizi's great grandmother can give him this type of simple advice.  You do not have to be a Minister to be able to know what even your great grandmother would have known. You do not even need to go to school to know this. Tak payah sekolah pun orang tahu kenapa harus bayar lebih?

For 20 years or more Mydin Supermarket has been using the tagline : Why Pay More?

Rafizi baru bangun tidur ke?

Rafizi must reverse disastrous gomen policies like RM1,500 Minimum Wages which is causing inflation and unemployment.

The gomen's amendments to the employment act especially that 45 hour work week is creating lower monthly incomes for entry level work.

That 20 sen per kWhr surcharge on power tariffs for MV and HV industry users imposed by Rafizi's boss is creating havoc for inflationary price rises. 

These things are putting unnecessary and undue pressure on the economy.

The video above says Rafizi may only have enough economic skills to run a koperasi sekolah menengah.  I beg to disagree. He may not have enough skills to do that either.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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