
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 9, 2023

"saya tak tahu orang lain yang jadi menteri apa tujuan dia" - Rafizi Talking Thru His @$$ Again


If you have 36 minutes to waste you can listen to Rafizi giving the senior staff at his ministry the most boring and dead end speech.

I listened to it almost fully - he was not saying anything useful or new at all. It was just empty talk. 

And Rafizi was telling the officers to ask questions or to say something if they wished. Hello brader, no Civil Servant in his right mind will venture an opinion or ask a question to his Minister in public, in front of a video camera.  The Civil Service does not work that way.

And you can see in the video that he made the senior staff remain standing for over 32 minutes throughout the speech.  I hope no one uses this as an excuse to spend money to buy new chairs and tables for the ministry. The ministry must have plenty of chairs and tables.

Whoever posted the speech on You Tube titled it AMANAT YB RAFIZI! BUAT LEBAI DAN WALAUN KEPANASAN!

What the hell does that even mean? 

Anyway here is the link :   https://youtu.be/2LBaeuuujAo

Among the things Rafizi said was this:

  • "saya tidak berniat untuk menjadi ahli politik dalam kementerian ini"
  • "saya tak tahu orang lain yang jadi menteri apa tujuan dia"

These are the most stupid dumb ass statements.

First of all you already are an ahli politik. You are the deputy president of a political party. Everything you say and do will have a bearing on your political well being. So dont waste time making empty, useless statements.

Immediately after that he said "saya tak tahu orang lain yang jadi menteri apa tujuan dia".

Huh? What the ..?   If you 'tak tahu' what is their 'tujuan' then you are just guessing.  

If you 'tak tahu' what is their 'tujuan' then it is better to just keep your mouth shut. 

Why do you want to publicly question the "tujuan" of your own Cabinet colleagues?

There are 28 of you altogether in Cabinet (including your boss) with about another two dozen deputy ministers. 

So now you are questioning all their 'tujuan jadi menteri'? 

Yo brader kenapa buruk sangka sangat towards your own colleagues ? Hati busuk ke?

If you, a Cabinet minister, say "saya tak tahu orang lain yang jadi menteri apa tujuan dia"   then what about us the public, the rakyat marhaen?  

How are we going to know "orang yang jadi menteri apa tujuan dia"

Just about last week Rafizi said only intelligent people will understand what he says.

The week before that he said that to combat high prices of chicken the public can choose to eat less chicken. Problem solved.

This week he says "saya tak tahu orang lain yang jadi menteri apa tujuan dia".

Every week Rafizi Ramli says something stupid.

Tengok-lah next week.

Looks like a new @$$ walks the corridors.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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