
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, January 19, 2023

Slowly Slowly Catch The Monkey - Do Chinese Support Pintu Belakang Or Do Chinese Support PH Because DAP Is In Power?


OSTB :  Please read my comments at the end. The following is taken from Permadu Malaysia. 

Sayup laungan reformasi dibimbangi terus lenyap dan senyap


Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Menerusi satu hantaran di Facebook semalam, Isnin 16 Januari, 2023, Ahli Parlimen Pasir Gudang, Hassan Abdul Karim (PKR/Pakatan Harapan) memberi gambaran bahawa reputasi .. akan terjejas sekiranya kerjasama bersama BN di bawah pimpinan Zahid Hamidi masih diteruskan.

..  dikhuatiri lemas dan akhirnya tumbang

Menurut Sinar Harian, Hassan berkata, imej Pakatan Harapan (PH) melalui Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) yang membawa agenda reformasi turut tercemar setelah Ahmad Zahid yang sedang dibicara di mahkamah dilantik sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

"Pada hemat saya, BN-UMNO dari kelompok kes jenayah rasuah dan pecah amanah ini boleh diibaratkan sebagai virus yang sedang menjangkiti PM, PKR dan PH.

"Tiada vaksin untuk menawar racun toksik ini. Jalan kesudahannya mungkin maut dan mati,” katanya.

Kelmarin, Ahad 15 Januari, Timbalan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang II, Dr P Ramasamy membayangkan Ahmad Zahid sebagai 'beban' bukan hanya kepada partinya, tetapi juga buat PH dan Kerajaan Perpaduan.

Beliau menegaskan, keputusan dibuat melalui PAU 2022 yang meluluskan usul jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden tidak dipertandingkan .. seperti duri dalam daging buat UMNO, PH dan kerajaan.

Jelas Hassan, hasrat .. untuk mewujudkan satu pentadbiran kerajaan yang berintegriti, mendapat restu dan dipercayai rakyat juga tidak dapat direalisasikan.

"Dalam satu segi, komitmen .. untuk membawa tata kelola yang baik di dalam pentadbiran kerajaan tidak dipertikaikan oleh rakyat. ..Tetapi realiti yang wujud di siang hari bukannya mimpi indah itu tadi. Realitinya berbeza sama sekali.

"Inilah dilema.. Tolak kerjasama dengan BN-UMNO yang dipimpin oleh TPM bererti kerajaan .. tumbang. PM hilang jawatan. PH hilang kerajaan. Ramai yang akan meroyan,” ujarnya.

Tambah beliau, meskipun sekiranya Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur memutuskan Ahmad Zahid tidak bersalah dan dilepaskan, sebahagian rakyat tetap akan menyalahkan dan menuduh ..  telah campur tangan dalam keputusan itu.


My Comments : Someone I know (a Chinese) said they can tolerate working with Zahid because it is to 'slowly slowly catch the monkey'. 

If that is the intention then why not work with the monkeys from 50 years ago? Could have caught so many more monkeys. 

I have two short 'stories' to share.  The first is a short verse from the Quran:

Surah 7:28     They commit wrongs then say, "We found our parents doing this, and Allah has commanded us to do it." Say, "Allah never advocates wrong doing (fahishatan). Are you saying about Allah what you do not know?" 

It simply means Allah does not guide people to do wrong, for any reason. It simply means avoid that which is wrong. Just do not go near it.

A wrong thing is a wrong thing because by nature it is wrong. That is why the word 'wrong' even exists in the vocabulary. 

And you cannot expect any good to come out of a wrong thing. There is no such thing as 'we will cooperate with the wrong for a short while only because we are hoping for something good at the end'.  Nope. It does not work that way either.

The value of your shares (your self-worth) will be seriously damaged in the eyes of the right thinking people if you choose to consort with the wrong doers. Or if you choose to cavort with the wrong doers. You too become damaged goods. 

But the damage is far greater. It emboldens the wrong doers. 'Its ok lah if I do like this, can still kau tim. This is Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh'.

It also emboldens those who have not yet done wrong but are just contemplating doing wrong.

'Its ok lah if I do like this, can still kau tim. This is Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh'. 

Hence many a new career in wrongdoing may be launched. 

The second story is a movie I saw about 40 years ago (1983) which perhaps inspired the movie The Village (2004). Some people move to a small town (USA) where they suffer weird stuff like disappearing and then getting eaten. Towards the end of the movie only a girl survives and she finds an old diary written a hundred years earlier by a preacher who stumbled into the same area. The preacher found the area inhabited by a sub-human tribe who ate human flesh including corpses stolen from graves. The preacher recorded that he was  able to pacify the cannibals and even made them church going christians. Sadly his final entry said that the cannibals had reverted to their old ways and were actually outside, trying to break down his door. 

The moral of that story was : i. you associate with cannibals then you suffer the risk of getting eaten ii. cannibals will always be cannibals 

Folks, there is no reformasi.  Sorry to burst your balloon. The next step is how to get back the Malay vote. Once they can secure enough Malay votes, you will not be needed.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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