
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Taxpayers Money Again

 Here is someone (why dont they put their names in these videos?) who is saying pretty much what I said earlier.  

I have to agree. But I dont see it as all doom and gloom. It can depend a lot on who are your friends. Or who you choose for your friends. 

Did you know that in 2022 (the year that just went past) the trade between Russia and China hit US$200 Billion!! That is over RM880 Billion.  A new record.  Because of western sanctions against Russia and China, the Ukraine war etc.

So folks please think. 
Choose your friends carefully. 
Do not be fooled. 
Do not be emotional. 
Do not be stupid.

Now here is some local news. Apparently there is a project worth RM60 Billion somewhere here and another "mega-project" worth RM100 Billion as well. 

  • to look into several issues, after granted audience
  • this project, that project  
  • in addition to other infra projects for the state
  • for federal govt to assist start mega project
  • priority now is federal govt to gazette project
  • hub, man-made islands, 1,295 hectares

So what is the catch? The catch is this involves taxpayers money. Remember what Nurul Izzah said, 'You cannot tax the people into wealth' (or something close). 

Taxpayers funds are actually a non renewable resource. It is like non-renewable energy. Once you burn a tank of petrol you have to go and dig another oil well to get more oil for fuel. The same with taxes. Once the government burns through the taxes they collect they have to come after us the taxpayer to squeeze out more taxes from us. 

So where does the non-renewable part come in? Well we are non-renewable. We the taxpayers grow old, we may lose our businesses (when the government screws up its policies), we may lose our jobs etc all of which means less tax paying capacity. The government can tax all it wants but whether they can collect enough taxes is another thing altogether.

But that game never changes isnt it? The grand audiences, the big projects, all the big talk. It is all about spending taxpayers money. Our money. They are playing with our money.

Then when they lose power or the government changes, all the accusations and investigations of wrong doings will start all over again. Mark my words.

They never learn.  The prevailing philosophy, their never changing mindset is 'This time we wont get caught'.  Sorry. It does not work that way.

The people will wake up.  They have to. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.

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