
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Tourism Dying - Another Victim Of Dasar Ekonomi Bebal

 sceptical of any quick fix  

20 years of random policies, no focus, no continuity 
no coordinated, consistent strategy

Malaysia’s tourism recovery flops
Thailand, Indonesia cash in
Malaysia struggling to bring back tourists
Malaysia reopened borders but tourism struggling
Malaysia 3m visitors in 2022 
Thailand, S'pore, Indonesia — 10m, 4.6m and 4.58m visitors respectively
  • Malaysia’s weak rebound from pandemic compared with neighbours
  • poor cost competitiveness, buttoned-up, Islamic society
  • Islamic Party caused jitters floated possible ban on alcohol
  • Malaysia highest alcohol taxes 
  • harsh punishments for drug offences, including death 
  • Thailand reputation for tolerant attitude

Flights from Europe less [frequent], more expensive

Langkawi not as cheap as neighbours, especially accommodation
Bali higher tourist numbers more dependable labour

Malaysia losing massively to Thailand and Indonesia
  • Malaysia food and beverage scene, quality not up to par 
  • neighbours have lower alcohol tax
  • neighbours more open to new ideas of tourism
Malaysia tourism suffers from inconsistent policies over decades
Malaysia in stark contrast to Indonesia
2022 decline of 90% arrivals from West into Malaysia
double-digit growth in Indonesia same period 
  • travel, accommodation costs in Borneo highest in years
  • Most lodges, transport providers hiked 20% 
  • Sabah Parks doubled price of permits and entrances
  • permits to Mount Kinabalu doubled from RM200 to RM400
  • costs of guides, food, accommodation, cheapest package RM2400 per pax
  • only some of Sabah's protected parks promoted by authorities  
  • Sumatra 1/3 to 1/5 Malaysian Borneo’s prices (orangutan tourism)

  • sceptical of any quick fix
  • more than 20 years random policies, no focus, no continuity 
  • no coordinated, consistent strategy
  • don’t see how things may change or improve soon
  • Source: Al Jazeera
My highly educated comment:
Pergi mampos lah bodoh. Elok pergi duduk dalam gua. C-buk dalam sungai.  Panggil tourist mai ambil gambar.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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