
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 13, 2017

DAP Is Killing Chinese Schools

The issue here is when it comes to Malays, and when it is feared that PAS may benefit, the government acts. But when it comes to Chinese, and when it is clear that DAP is benefiting (even MCA admits this), the government does nothing. Why is the government very hard on Islamic education but does not lift a finger when it comes to Chinese education? Are Chinese votes more valuable than Malay votes? Anyway, the Chinese are not voting government so why the hell does it matter how the Chinese feel? The Chinese are all still going to vote DAP anyway whatever the government does or does not do.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
MCA versus DAP over Chinese schools
Over the last week Malaysia Today has written three articles regarding Chinese schools and Chinese education, which you can read here:
The Free Malaysia Today news item today (READ BELOW) about the quarrel between DAP and MCA regarding Chinese schools proves the point we are trying to make, which is Chinese schools and Chinese education are being used as the whipping boy or political football by the two main Chinese parties.
Ida Lim wrote an interesting piece called ‘What you should know about Chinese schools in Malaysia’ that was published in Malay Mail Online (READ HERE). Basically, Chinese schools came about because migrants from China thought that one day they would return to China after making enough money in Malaya so they wanted their children to receive a Chinese education. Or else they would be strangers in their mother country.
Eventually, however, China turned communist and they no longer wanted the overseas Chinese, who they regarded as foreigners, to return. Even as late as the 1980s overseas Chinese were regarded as inferior or second-class Chinese and they were looked down upon. We hear many stories about Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese getting insulted when they went to Hong Kong. Malays and Indonesians received better treatment in China and Hong Kong than overseas Chinese did.
Chinese schools are not about education but about politics
Anyway, in time the reason for the existence of Chinese schools disappeared because Malaysian Chinese would have to become Malaysians and could no longer return to China, especially those born in Malaysia. But the Chinese school and Chinese education system remained. And they remained not because the Malaysian Chinese want to one day return to China. They remained because they became a very useful political tool for Chinese politicians. And to justify retaining Chinese schools and Chinese education they propagated the excuse that Chinese schools are more superior than government schools.
The truth is DAP and MCA both needed to champion something. And the only thing they have to champion is Chinese schools and Chinese education. Without Chinese schools and Chinese education what would DAP and MCA have to talk about?
Just like in the case of the madrasahs of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, etc., Chinese schools are being radicalised. So they breed Chinese radicals just like the madrasahs breed Muslim radicals who feed the Taliban, Islamic State, ISIS, Daesh, and so on.
More importantly, DAP and MCA are competing with one another to outdo each other as the champion of Chinese schools. DAP uses Chinese schools to fan hatred against the ‘Malay’ government. MCA, on the other hand, uses Chinese schools to play up the fear factor. MCA tells Umno if they close down Chinese schools or do not approve more Chinese schools or do not give Chinese schools money then DAP can use this as a political weapon and the Chinese will vote DAP.
Chinese schools radicalised Chinese students so Singapore closed them down
Chinese schools are being used as a weapon to blackmail the government. And while the government succumbs to this blackmail and supports Chinese schools, just so that MCA will not lose the support of the Chinese, the Chinese abandon MCA and go over to DAP anyway.
To justify Chinese schools they argue that Chinese schools are more superior to government schools. They also say the proof of this superiority is that 18% of the students in Chinese schools are Bumiputeras, especially in the rural areas and places such as Sabah and Sarawak. They use this same argument in condemning the ‘Malay’ government by stating that Singapore is better than Malaysia because the Chinese run Singapore, and the same reason why SIA is better than MAS.
So, basically it is all about Chinese is superior and Malay is inferior. And whether you compare Malaysia to Singapore, MAS to SIA, or government schools to Chinese schools, it is all about Malays versus Chinese and Chinese come out on top and whatever is Malay is a failure.
The Chinese are undoubtedly passionate about their Chinese schools and Chinese education. But it is no longer because the Chinese want to one day go home to China. It is because they want their children to receive a superior education and not an inferior education from a government school run by the ‘Malay’ government.
While Singapore got rid of the weapons of radicalism, in Malaysia Chinese schools flourished
Over time, from the ages of five to 17, the Chinese are subtly being indoctrinated by the Chinese education system into believing that the Chinese are superior to the Malays in many ways, just like how German kids were indoctrinated during the pre-WWII years into believing that they are more superior to non-Germans. So that makes the Chinese a superior race, far superior to the Malays. And they keep reminding the Malays that the Chinese have had 5,000 years of civilisation while the Malays were still living on trees when the Chinese first came to Malaya in 1850 (I have read this comment numerous times).
Today the Chinese say not only they and the Indians but the Malays, too, are pendatang or immigrants and the country does not belong to the Malays but to the Orang Asli. This, of course, is a lie but it serves DAP’s interest that the Chinese are led to believe that the Malays have no rights to the country and should not be making any demands or should not be given any special position or receive any special privileges.
Invariably, this increases the hatred of the Chinese towards the Malays because now the Chinese are made to feel that they are being subjected to inequality since the Malays are no more special and have no rights over the country — so why should they be given a special position or receive any special privileges?
Hitler also used schools and education to radicalise the youth
There is nothing wrong with Chinese schools or Chinese education per se just like there is nothing wrong with madrasahs or Islamic education per se. It is when these schools are used to radicalise the Chinese and breed extremists and teach the Chinese they are superior to the Malays is when the problem comes in. This is the same as how madrasahs radicalise Muslims and breed extremists and teach Muslims that kafir (infidels or non-Muslims) are enemies of God and their blood is halal (meaning they can be slaughtered in the name of Allah) is when the problem starts.
If the government wants to allow Chinese schools and Chinese education then they must be strictly regulated and monitored, just like how the government has been regulating and monitoring sekolah pondok since decades ago. The government knew these sekolah pondok were radicalising Malays so the government clamped down on them. Chinese schools are also radicalising Chinese and are being used by DAP and MCA as political tools but the government does nothing.
The issue here is when it comes to Malays, and when it is feared that PAS may benefit, the government acts. But when it comes to Chinese, and when it is clear that DAP is benefiting (even MCA admits this), the government does nothing. Why is the government very hard on Islamic education but does not lift a finger when it comes to Chinese education? Are Chinese votes more valuable than Malay votes? Anyway, the Chinese are not voting government so why the hell does it matter how the Chinese feel? The Chinese are all still going to vote DAP anyway whatever the government does or does not do.
You have to catch them young while still at school to radicalise them and Chinese schools do the same
DAP and MCA quarrel over dominance of Chinese schools
(FMT) – Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has denied using Chinese schools to “talk politics and criticise the federal government”, as claimed by Deputy Education Minister Chong Sin Woon recently. Lim told a news conference at Komtar today that he had merely called for more funds for Chinese schools, not a “meagre and miserly sum” of RM50 million for 1,300 schools as announced by the federal government.
“If the deputy minister thinks a mere appeal for more funds is politics…what else can I say? I feel the deputy minister is clearly trying to cover-up his failure in giving adequate funding to Chinese-type schools. That is why he is afraid of me entering a Chinese school. He does not want me to give any donation or allocation to the school. This kind of cowardice is very much regretted. At the same time, to politicise this issue, he does not deserve to be a minister,” Lim said.
The issue arose after Lim was denied entry to SJK(C) Kampung Sungai Lembu in Bukit Mertajam recently. Lim said he wanted to inspect the school before giving cash aid to the administrators. After being told by the school’s administrators that he needed approval for the visit, he wrote to the state education department. The department replied asking him to get permission from Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid. Lim cried foul saying Permatang Pauh Umno chief Mohd Zaidi Mohd Said could enter the school without permission but restrictions were placed on him.
On Monday, Chong said Lim should know why he faced problems entering schools because he had used school events to speak about politics and criticise the federal government. “He has hurled baseless allegations, especially against the Education Ministry. The state education department merely wanted to prevent the school from being used for a political attack. Lim has also politicised the Penang state government’s allocations to schools, turning it into a platform to bluntly attack us,” Chong said in a report in The Star Online.

1 comment:

  1. Saya ibu yohana member Mbah Budi Hartono,saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Mbah Budi Hartono atas bantuan nomor togelnya,saya hanya menginformasikan buat semuanya,bagi yang mengalami kesulitan apapun itu jika menurut anda itu sulit diselesaikan,anda bisa konsultasi atau minta bantuan kepada paranormal yang saya temui kemarin yang sangat bisa di percaya,namanya Mbah Budi Hartono.beliaulah kemarin yang telah membantu saya bisa terlepas dari masalah hutang sama tetangga dan di bank kurang lebih 200juta.mungkin bagi orang yang mampu hutang segitu tidak lah sulit,namun bagi saya itu malah sebaliknya,untung ada Mbah Budi Hartono kemarin membantu saya dengan angka jitunya 4d bocoran sgp alhamdulillah dapat 570.saya pun mengadukan nasib saya di pertogelan kemarin,saya sangat bersyukur dengan hasil tersebut,dan akhirnyapun saya lepas dari hutang saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas jasa Mbah Budi Hartono..dan info bagi anda yang butuh bantuan silahkan telpon Mbah Budi Hartono di no hp 085-256-077-899 untuk anda yang ingin mengetahui cara bergabung jadi anggota member Mbah Budi Hartono silahkan kunjungi website Mbah



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