
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 8, 2017

How many times PAS has to say no before PKR gets it?

YOURSAY | ‘Harapan's main slogan should be ‘A vote for PAS is a vote for Umno.’’
Kim Quek: PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s idea is to “leave the door open”. But that does not mean that PKR should not march in unison with other partners in Pakatan Harapan to go full steam ahead with its onslaught against the Umno/BN, which now includes its de facto ally PAS.
In view of the possibility of a snap election within three months from now, PKR and Harapan have no alternative but to launch immediately an aggressive campaign to educate PAS members and supporters that “a vote for PAS is a vote for Umno”.
The success of this campaign is crucial to minimise the damaging effects of a three-cornered fight, hence the necessity to launch it immediately.
If this campaign is effective, then, with the anticipated deflection of supporters from PAS, combined with those from Umno arising from its loss of popular support due to its heinous corruption scandals and corollary severe economic hardships inflicted on the people, Harapan should even gain rather than lose Malay votes, despite the three-cornered fights.
When Harapan is in such a position of strength, PAS might then be amiable to talk peace for its own benefit, to which, Harapan’s door is always open, provided the terms are right.
The worst decision for PKR is to dilly-dally on the PAS issue at this crucial moment, thus undermining Harapan’s unity and public confidence, and weakening the effort to win over PAS supporters, and at the end, still facing three-cornered fights.
And that will blunt Harapan’s chances of winning GE14.
Cry, My Beloved Country: Kim Quek, I fully agree with you. From now on, Harapan's main slogan should be "A vote for PAS is a vote for Umno."
It should be directed at every PAS member and supporter, as well as at every level-headed Malay, who despises the humongous scandals of Umno, and its leaders' blatant abuse of power.
Umno has been in power for way too long. It has become too arrogant. And that goes for PAS as well. Having done well in GE12 and GE13 through Pakatan Rakyat, the elevated status and positions their leaders hold have gone to their head.
The Islamist party, together with its bigot of a president, have indeed long lost the plot.
Proarte: By the same token, Anwar, why not seek to negotiate with Umno? Why is PAS a better option than Umno? PAS' core aspiration is allegedly to bring Islamic State (IS) to Malaysia. Are Malaysians that idiotic not to realise the consequences of that?
We have examples of IS governance and the corollary is coercion, discrimination, injustice, destruction, war and death - in short, the end of civilised governance.
PAS has declared that there will be no negotiation with PKR. Furthermore, party president Abdul Hadi Awang had ignominiously spurned Anwar when he went 'begging' for support to have his wife installed as MB.
PKR negotiating with PAS undermines Harapan solidarity and the rakyat's confidence in it. It reflects the political immorality and selfishness of PKR leaders. Only securing their grubby positions matter to them.
It is high time Malaysians who truly believe in a Malaysia for all reject Anwar as a future leader because he has shown his true colours - duplicitous, shameless and unprincipled. The Anwar fetish has to end.
Clever Voter: The PKR leadership hasn't given up on their old friend PAS. By leaving the door open, it clearly shows that PKR lack self-confidence and it does not have 100 percent trust in its relationship with others.
Anwar will not be there to lead if Najib decides to go to the country when he returns from the US after meeting President Donald Trump. It's very likely Najib will and that puts PKR in a very awkward position.
In politics, nothing surprises. PKR will expect to lose when they learn they are betrayed. PAS would have no qualms over claiming their territories. BN will laugh all the way to the bank.
HaveAGreatDay: GE14 will be upon us soon enough. One way or the other, the truth of PAS intentions will be known.
I will not take any pleasure to say “serves you right” to PKR when PAS’ ‘cloak of infidelity’ is finally pulled away to show it in the firm embrace of Umno.
Not Convinced: PAS has time and again said no to PKR. How many times PAS has to say no before PKR gets it?
Ferdtan: If these 'continue PKR/PAS talks' leaders from PKR, including Anwar, think they are on the right track and have the support of the grassroots members, why are they afraid to call for a party EGM (similar to what was suggested by Rafizi Ramli)?
This can bring closure to the whole issue. But no, they know they will fail to get the support.
Our perception of the talk with PAS is that this was obviously supported, and probably proposed, by Azmin Ali. He needed to protect his MB’s position in Selangor.
Indeed, Anwar is also seen here to be afraid of the strong pro-Azmin faction within the party. Thus, the compromise (capitulation?). What a pity that Anwar is seen in this light - indecisiveness and gutless.
Ex-PJ: It’s idiotic for Anwar to keep talking to Hadi. Will anybody be surprised if BN wins big in the upcoming GE?
The opposition is in total disarray from infighting and inconsistency of leadership, and if they aren't able to unseat a totally corrupt government in these trying economic times, how can they ever win?
Spinnot: Anwar knows most of PKR's Malay votes in GE13 came from PAS supporters rather than Umno supporters.
He has no confidence former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad could swing enough Malay votes to replace the PAS votes. It is a question of survival.
YKK: PKR wants to put two legs in three boats and at the same time says it's their right to do so.
They think everybody else is stupid and has to put up with their back-stabbing by ganging up with PAS in Selangor.
Cascara: Anwar has been wrong several times in the past. Like the time he claimed he could entice BN MPs to cross over. PKR does not seem to have a clear plan.

What guarantee does it have PAS might not double cross them at the critical period? - Mkini

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