
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 25, 2017

Najib, father of the Indian community's progress, a ridiculous claim

ADUN SPEAKS | It is ridiculous on the part of the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to claim, at the MIC's annual general meeting yesterday, Sunday, Sept 24, that he is the father of the development of the Indian community.
He also took credit for appointing an Indian for the post of director-general of the Customs Department, despite strong objections from some sections of the Malay community.
Is Najib truly concerned about the Indian community? Or does he merely want to endear himself to the community to ensure that they would make a difference in the coming general election in favour of the ruling regime?
Najib is well aware that the Indian community, despite its sacrifices, is one of the poorest sections of the Malaysian community.
The vast majority of Indians face problems of unemployment, obtaining business licences, entering into tertiary institutions and not to speak of, religious and cultural squeeze they experience as result of the hegemonic role of Islam.
Najib cannot even settle the matter of unilateral conversion of non-Muslims to the anger and frustration of the non-Malays, especially Indians.
While he says that the BN lacked the two-thirds majority to amend the Federal Constitution, but at the same time he gives a different message to the Muslims, saying that he would not give in to the demands of the non-Muslims without the support of PAS and Muslim organisations.
It is this cheap double-talk that has created serious doubts about the true intentions of Najib among the non-Malays. Yes, he might have given more money to Indians in comparison to earlier prime ministers, but then nobody really knows whether the money has filtered down to the benefit of needy Indians.
Indians in the country demand to be respected as citizens and not discriminated along the line of race or religion. Financial assistance is important, but then if they don't have the rights, such assistance might make little difference to their existence.
Indians, like other discriminated groups, require a political climate that in the long run would be conducive to the removal of many obstacles that stand in the way of they becoming full-fledged citizens, where racial and religious bigotry would be dismantled.
Is Najib, despite all his cheap talk, prepared to consider these fundamental structural problems that stand in the way of Indian development? Is Najib prepared to respect Indians, not as "Indians" but as Malaysian citizens who are entitled to equal and unalienable rights as citizens of the country?
Lifeline thrown by Umno
To say that he is the father of Indian community shows, among others, that he has little or no respect for the MIC, a party that supposedly represents the community. The whole world knows that the MIC has abandoned the Indians over the last few decades. If at all the party exists, it is merely due to the lifeline thrown by Umno.
Najib's claim that he is the father of the development of the Indian community is certainly a big slap on the face of the MIC, particularly its president Dr S Subramaniam, who other than "warming his chair" has not done anything worthwhile for the benefit of the community.
The MIC, other than being a weak partner of the BN, is a broken and shattered party today. It cannot claim to be the sole representative of Indians today, for the community is not only fractured along party lines, but the opposition parties have more Indian parliamentarians compared to the MIC.
Lately a serious of events have backfired for Najib. He is extremely desperate to shore up political support. His recent visit to the United States and his promise of RM2 billion in investments from public funds has not gone well with the Malaysian public.
Other than this, the calling of a special press conference to make an important announcement merely entailed the re-admission of Muhammad Muhammad Taib into Umno.
It was widely speculated that the press meet was called to announce the collapse of the Selangor government - but somehow this event did not materialise.
Najib should have announced that he was the father of Indian development when he first took office. If he had done so and followed up with serious measures to address the plight of the Indian community, then Indians might give him a chance. But then, it is too late now.

I have serious doubts that Najib would be able to endear himself to the Indian community in the coming days or months.

P RAMASAMY is Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang and the state assemblyperson for Perai. - Mkini

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