
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Seek justice, not martyrdom, for tahfiz fire victims

Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah Tahfiz Centre in Kampung Datuk Keramat was destroyed yesterday morning, killing 21 students and two teachers. 
While Malaysians are busy updating statuses on social media, grieving alongside the family of the victims, I find my blood boiling upon reading the statement made by the principal of the tahfiz centre.
Insya-Allah, mereka mati syahid,” said Muhammad Zahid Mahmod, principal of the centre, regarding their deaths as martyrs in Islam.
“Budak-budak yang masih kecil ini, kita anggap mereka mati syahid. Mereka sanggup tinggalkan ibu bapa, tinggalkan masakan air tangan bonda, adik beradik dan masa bermain, tinggal di sini semata-mata untuk belajar agama.
(These little boys have died as martyrs. They were willing to leave their parents, forgo home-cooked meals, leave their siblings and playtime for religious studies.)
His opinion was supported by a statement made by a parent of one of the victims, who said – “I accept this as a fate and I’m happy that Allah has chosen him (my son) to be a syahid (martyr).”
Back in June 2017, when seven children from the CT-One Islamic Centre died in a road accident in Kuala Krai, the Mufti of Kelantan also announced their deaths as martyrs.
And in May 2017, netizens did the same thing upon the death of Mohamad Thaqif Amin Mohd Ghaddafi (photo), the ten-year-old boy who was abused by a warden at his tahfiz centre.  
Sorry to say, but all these claims about “mati syahid are beginning to sound like a big pile of excuses.
The fact is, the tahfiz centre which burned down yesterday was already in operation a year ago despite having only applied for the permit recently. Even without having their permit approved, the building was already occupied and had electricity supplies (which explains the suspected short circuit). 
Now, can someone tell me who is responsible for the children occupying a building that did not have a safety permit? And how did a building without a permit get its electricity supply?
The fact is, the van which met with an accident in Kuala Krai killing all seven tahfiz students was driven by a staff of the tahfiz centre who did not possess a valid driving license. Can someone tell me, who employs a driver without a driving license?
The fact is, the warden who abused little Thaqif was an ex-convict. Pray tell me, who employs ex-convicts to work with young children?
Stop justifying tragedies
Why are all these facts not being taken into consideration in order to bring justice to the deaths of all these young children? Why are we so obsessed with labelling their deaths as “mati syahid” instead of prosecuting the wrongdoers?
I’ll tell you why – because we have a big heart. After all, that’s what the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Noh Omar said: “Action may not be taken against the school as they have suffered enough”.
“Suffered enough”, eh?
Well, pardon me, but who actually suffered? The children who were burnt to death or the irresponsible people who run the centre?
Why then are we protecting the wrongdoers at the expense of the victims?
Is this how the government upholds the law?
Seriously, I feel so sick to the core!
I wish every Malaysian Muslim would stop justifying these tragedies as Allah’s fate. Stop advising people to accept it with an open heart.
Allah gave us a heart to feel and a brain to think. Why not use it?
If we are to accept every single thing that comes our way as a test from Allah and sweep them under the carpet without fighting for justice, we are not only degrading ourselves as humans, but we are also mocking Allah, for He expects us to fight for righteousness.
To Noh Omar, ministers, deputy ministers and Malaysian authorities – stop protecting the culprits who are responsible for these deaths. Bring forward those accountable for the deaths of the children!

FA ABDUL is a passionate storyteller, a growing media trainer, an aspiring playwright, a regular director, a struggling producer, a self-acclaimed photographer, an expert Facebooker, a lazy blogger, a part-time queen and a full-time vain pot. - Mkini

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