
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Surely MACC has better things to do than sue Guan Eng

YOURSAY | ‘Endorsing a court judgment cannot by any stretch of the imagination be defamatory.’
Ferdtan: MACC chief commissioner Dzulkifli Ahmad, you have decided to forward your case to the attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali after Penang CM Lim Guan Eng refused to apologise to MACC.
It is the legal right of the AG if he was to file a civil suit against the Penang CM; but if the authorities were to use criminal laws to arrest and charge Lim, then it is a different matter.
It can be construed as an abuse of power if that happens. MACC will thus be seen as prosecutor and judge.
Vote BN Out: Still hunting for the relevant law to charge Guan Eng? Contempt of court? Come on, you think the judges will buy that?
Anonymous 767061504497195: MACC better be prepared for a large number of writs as everyone knows that Penang exco Phee Boon Poh's arrest and detention was an illegal one.
It matters not that this matter is pending appeal. What is more important is whether the rule of law is maintained.
Commenting and endorsing a court judgment cannot by any stretch of the imagination be defamatory or even in contempt of court.
Dojusa: For expressing a legal opinion, like saying the arrest of Phee was illegal, the MACC is going after Guan Eng?
I see no defamation here. Just rebut Guan Eng with counter-arguments. It will save a lot of the rakyat's money.
Go after the real crooks who stole the rakyat's money in the billions. Indeed, go after the elephant in the room, not after a little pest across the river.
Slumdog: "The MACC does not have a personal interest in any of its probes, and will investigate every case without taking into account the political position, ideology or status of the individual under probe," said Dzulkifli.
So Dzulkifli, why have you abandoned your investigation of Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) and his band of accomplices involved in the 1MDB scandal, or have you put this in the “too hard basket”?
Clever Voter: MACC has yet established a reputation as a credible and independent anti-corruption body. Despite what it says, action speaks louder than words. By picking on what many regard as a trivial matter, it reinforces the view that it is anti-opposition.
Although it claims to be apolitical and neutral, one cannot help but feel that it is not. BN may not be behind this, but making Guan Eng a 'victim' will reinforce the bias.
No one is above the law. But opinion has to be judged on whether this has caused public disturbances or prejudicial to MACC case.
That said, this is a nation in decline and nothing surprises anyone anymore that the rule of law no longer serves public interest.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: When the MACC is so obsessed with nailing DAP politicians, Guan Eng and Phee, then the perception of the rakyat is that it has vested interest.
The High Court had made its decision, MACC should respect it and move on. Why the need to appeal? Why insist on an apology from Guan Eng?
MACC has a lot of other cases to pursue, other fishes to catch, why waste valuable resources and time. Remember Dzulkifli, you are a civil servant, so act like one.
If you want fame and popularity or be a politician, then you should quit from MACC.
Ipohcrite: MACC argued that the High Court, in ordering Phee's release, did not state that the arrest was unlawful.
If this line of reasoning were to be followed, Guan Eng himself did not state that his statement on Phee's arrest was slanderous to the MACC either. So, why does MACC see it that way?
Anonymous 2465861491622056: MACC, your job is to arrest those who are corrupt but you are going against those who refuse to apologise to you.
Before you take this case, can you look at yourself in the mirror and ask whether MACC has apologised for the death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock.
Shunyata: When the nation's top cops start being gifted lucrative business roles at the end of their careers, it really points to how much they have been of "service" to their political masters.
A police officer should retire in a dignified and honourable manner. Any gifts, favours or compensations in roles or positions just strip away the badges on the uniform that he or she used to wear.
Oldtimer: Now we know why former inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar didn't complain when his tenure was not extended.
This is more than a normal golden handshake. This is a platinum handshake. One wonders what a lacklustre crime buster know about running a major commercial entity.
RVenugopal: Yes, ex-IGP to take over as head of Prasarana is a big joke. On what basis are they putting him there?
Prasarana is running the country’s largest transport infrastructure and this requires experienced people. You are putting a man with a passion for cooking to head Prasarana.
I.AM.Malaysian: What are Khalid’s credential and experience in public transportation that Najib sees fit that he is the man for the job as chairperson of Prasarana? Indeed, this does not portray good stewardship of public fund.
Demi Rakyat: In Malaysia, you are not appointed because of talent, ability or dedication to serve. This appointment is a good example.

Anonymous_3fe4: Yes, a very funny type of appointment. It’s like asking David Beckham to lead our badminton team. - Mkini

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