I mean Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Daim Zainuddin, Anwar Ibrahim, Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, Mat Sabu, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang, Nurul Izzah, etc., are all implicated in corruption and/or sex scandals. How do you explain putting the foxes in charge of the chickens? Are they saying the foxes have suddenly all become Hindus and are now vegetarians? What the hell is Malaysiakini thinking of?
Pakatan Harapan made plenty of promises about what it will do within 24 hours of forming the government, within 100 days of forming the government, within two years of forming the government, and so on. One major promise, which they were going to do within 24 hours of forming the government, was to remove the 6% GST and replace it with the SST that would help bring the cost of living down.

Many Pakatan leaders are implicated in corruption and sex scandals
They were 21 days late in removing the GST and still have not implemented the SST yet. But that is not the issue. The issue is the cost of living did not come down but actually went up.
The other ‘within 24 hours’ promises are that the price of petrol would be reduced to RM1.50 while Najib Tun Razak would be arrested and charged in court since the charge sheet had already been drafted three years ago in early 2015.
Sarawak Report published the charge sheet three years ago in July 2015
Those, too, were not done and in fact the price of petrol went up while the MACC and PDRM are still korek lubanghere and there to look for evidence to nail Najib so that their case will stick. If not, as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said, they might lose their case in court.
But then how can that happen if the charge sheet had already been drafted three years ago because you do not draft a charge sheet unless you have a tight case against that person you want to put on trial?
Pakatan Harapan is coming out with spin after spin and Malaysiakini’s commentary (which you can read below) is yet another example of the many lies they are churning out.
They said Barisan Nasional won 13 general elections in 61 years and finally lost the last one, the 14th general election or GE14. Actually, Malaysia has held 15 elections so far and not 14 because the first one was held in 1955, two years before Merdeka. And Barisan Nasional was formed in 1973 so they have won only 10 general elections over 45 years and not 13 general elections over 61 years.
You might say this is a trivial matter but it is not. If you want to quote historical facts and data, you must be accurate. If not, the younger generation will get the wrong impression and will start talking nonsense, like many do today.
Another thing Malaysiakini said was, “From today Malaysia has a historic opportunity to build a truly multi-racial secular country.” Now, what precisely does that mean? Was Malaysia NOT multi-racial before 9th May 2018? And is Pakatan Harapan going to table an amendment to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia so that Malaysia can be turned into a secular country?
If Malaysiakini is telling Malaysians this is what Pakatan Harapan is planning, then Pakatan Harapan must either confirm or deny this. IS MALAYSIA GOING TO BE TURNED INTO A SECULAR COUNTRY? In that case the Shariah laws and Shariah courts will have to go. There are no two ways about that.
Malaysiakini also said, “…and every Malaysian is equal before the law.” This is a confirmation that the Shariah laws and Shariah courts will definitely have to go. Currently, Malaysians are NOT equal before the law because Muslims face more punishments than non-Muslims do. Non-Muslims can do many things that Muslims cannot do and if Muslims do those things they will get arrested and charged while non-Muslims will not.
So, Malaysiakini’s statement that ‘every Malaysian is equal before the law’ means the Shariah laws and Shariah courts will have to be abolished.
Regarding Malaysiakini’s statement — ‘From today we should all strive to be Malaysians, not Chinese Malaysians or Indian Malaysians or Malay Malaysians, etc. We are all Malaysians!’ — this means Chinese schools and Chinese language education must be abolished (together with the Shariah laws and Shariah courts) just like in Singapore. As it is, many Chinese do not speak Bahasa, which is why Lim Guan Eng has to issue press statements in Chinese (and he wants all the other government agencies and ministries to do the same).
Malaysiakini’s last paragraph — “The people of Malaysia are looking forward to a new and better Malaysia in future. The people are relying on Harapan to transform Malaysia into a reliable, clean and transparent nation” — is quite odd.
I mean Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Daim Zainuddin, Anwar Ibrahim, Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, Mat Sabu, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang, Nurul Izzah, etc., are all implicated in corruption and/or sex scandals. How do you explain putting the foxes in charge of the chickens? Are they saying the foxes have suddenly all become Hindus and are now vegetarians? What the hell is Malaysiakini thinking of?

Malaysiakini says all Malaysians must be equal before the law so the Shariah laws and Shariah courts have to go
(Malaysiakini) – After 61 years and winning 13 general elections, the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) has suffered a historic defeat by a coalition of opposition parties under the umbrella Pakatan Harapan.
This is truly a turning point for Malaysia. From today Malaysia has a historic opportunity to build a truly multi-racial secular country with Islam being the religion of the majority of its people.
Our elected representatives have the responsibility and challenge to ensure that social justice, equal access to opportunities in every field and compassionate welfare provisions for the less fortunate are available to all Malaysians, and every Malaysian is equal before the law.
From today we should all strive to be Malaysians, not Chinese Malaysians or Indian Malaysians or Malay Malaysians, etc. We are all Malaysians! The road ahead to create a harmonious and prosperous Malaysia will be long and hard, with many pitfalls.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad today leads a coalition packed with politicians of differing political and economic philosophies and therefore, with possibly conflicting agendas about how to carry the nation forward.
Moreover, various civil society groups today are energised and empowered by their contributions that made a Harapan federal government possible and these groups naturally feel entitled to have their views heard as well.
The people now want to see the reality of constructive and positive work by all quarters. Harapan must now concentrate on ‘Rebuilding Malaysia’, like what they had promised.
The election campaigns are already over and it is time for the government to build the bridge and cooperate so that the public at large can see the positive development between the state and federal governments.
In order to rebuild the nation to its glory again, it is better to discuss matters in an orderly and constructive manner, for the benefit of the people and the country. This will help resolve, and take into consideration, many of the people’s needs and problems.
The people of Malaysia are looking forward to a new and better Malaysia in future. The people are relying on Harapan to transform Malaysia into a reliable, clean and transparent nation. – MKINI
Raja Petra Kamarudin
– www.malaysia-today.net
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