
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 29, 2018

Dear Shana Morris

PAS won nine Parliament seats and 37 State seats in Kelantan. Umno won five and eight respectively while PKR, PPBM and PAN won zero out of the 59 seats they contested. In Terengganu, PAS won six Parliament seats and 22 State seats while Umno won two and ten respectively. Again, PKR, PPBM and PAN won zero out of the 40 seats they contested. In short, out of 99 seats, PAS won 74, Umno won 25, while PKR, PPBM and PAN got nothing. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Dear Malaysia Today,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Shana and I was born in Malaysia but grew up in the US. I still have family back home and Malaysia will always be home for me. Ok let’s get right to why I write to you in the first place.
In your older articles, you said PH is going to win less seats than the last GE and even willing to bet on it with 100% confidence. When the election results came out, PH won enough to rule Malaysia and then you said you already knew that would happen because of the Malaysian intelligence.
Why did you not say that in the first place that there was a possibility? You sound a little childish, like I was proven wrong BUT I must let everyone know I was aware of this already.
Maybe your sources are no longer reliable?
I still read your articles and like what you have written. You seem to have insider’s knowledge but lately your articles sound like an old man’s rambles and it is sad to see the once Great Whistleblower of Malaysia fall like this.
You remind me of my uncle, a has-been, that continuously demands respect when all he does is sits at home and complains all day, ultimately losing respect from everyone else, including his own wife and children and you remind me of him.
I hope you find your way soon.
Shana Morris
Dear Shana Morris,
Thank you so much for your letter. Yes, I am definitely an enigma, as you have so rightly pointed out. (Enigma: a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand). But then I am not supposed to be understood because it was never my intention to be understood. So, I am actually quite pleased that you confess you cannot read me like an open book.
For example, I support PAS and at the same time I support gay marriages and the right of Muslims to leave Islam, which is considered a crime that attracts the death sentence in some Muslim countries. Is that not just like being a vegetarian who eats beef burgers and hot dogs?
I also support Shariah laws and Shariah courts but I am opposed to Muslims being arrested and punished for drinking. In fact, as many people can confirm, our family kopitiam in Manchester sells beer, wine and liquor but at the same time we guarantee that all our food is halal. (Our slogan is: makanan ditanggung halal, minuman tanggung sendiri).
But then do not MAS plus all the Middle Eastern airlines (except Saudia) also serve halal food while at the same time they serve ‘hard’ drinks? So how do you reconcile this contradiction? Are you, Shana Morris, going to waste the remaining years of your life pondering on this in trying to solve this mystery?
In 1942, Hitler made a very serious miscalculation in attacking Stalingrad. Stalingrad was of no military importance and the only reason Hitler attacked it was because it carried Stalin’s name. So, it was mere ego. Instead, Hitler should have attacked the industrial areas around the Volga, which would have crippled Russia’s military production.
Stalin, on the other hand, because of national pride, had to defend Stalingrad to the death. But the Russians were well-equipped and well-supplied with arms, tanks, planes, and whatnot. The Germans, on the other hand, were not. So, the Germans were defeated at Stalingrad and this was the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany.
The reason the Germans were not able to match the Russian military might was because Stalingrad was so far way so this posed a logistics problem. Furthermore, while Russia’s production was geared solely towards supplying the military needs, Germany’s production was ‘balanced’ between civilian and military needs. In other words, Germany produced as many radios, washing machines and so on as it did tanks and guns.
It was not until 1943 that Joseph Goebbels announced ‘Total War’ when that should have been done three years before that in 1940. By then it was too late because Germany was in retreat and nothing was going to stop the Russians from chasing the Germans all the way back to Berlin.
Now, when Goebbels stood before the German people to declare ‘Total War’ and to announce that Germany was about to defeat Russia, the truth is the opposite was actually happening. But he needed to lift the spirits of the Germans so that old men, children and women would take up arms to support the fight against the Russians.
In the East, those Germans on the frontline who knew the truth retreated and many ran away before the Russians could arrive. In fact, those who did not run away were massacred and 200,000 Germans were slaughtered by the Russians while women and children were raped before being killed.
Okay, what has all this got to do with what you said? you may ask. Well, I am referring to the second paragraph of your letter and if you do not see the link then you are not yet ready to discuss this matter with me. And you asked, “Why did you not say that in the first place that there was a possibility?” Well, that is why I talked about the 1943 Battle of Stalingrad and the announcement of ‘Total War’ in Berlin.
In short, there is one word to describe that: propaganda. (Propaganda: information that is not objective and is used primarily to confuse an enemy, influence an audience, and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception).
I like your closing sentence where you said, “I hope you find your way soon.” Yes, ‘way’ is called adeen in Islam and I think I have already found my adeen or way.
Do you know PAS won nine Parliament seats and 37 State seats in Kelantan? Umno won five and eight respectively while PKR, PPBM and PAN won zero out of the 59 seats they contested.
In Terengganu, PAS won six Parliament seats and 22 State seats while Umno won two and ten respectively. Again, PKR, PPBM and PAN won zero out of the 40 seats they contested.
In short, out of 99 seats, PAS won 74, Umno won 25, while PKR, PPBM and PAN got nothing.
Now, if you are so smart, smart enough to tell me what I should do, please explain how that happened and why I am bringing this issue up.

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