
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 29, 2018

Trump Angers West : Peace with North Korea, Meeting with Putin, Pulling out of Syria

Donald Trump has angered all the Deep State hawks, the West and especially the UK with his unexpected summit meeting with Kim Jong Un of North Korea.  

Now Trump is going to talk to the other great enemy of the UK and the West Vladimir Putin. They will meet in Helsinki on July 16th. 

Among the things Trump hopes to seal with Putin is a US withdrawal from Syria, with assurances from Russia that Iran will not fill the void in Syria. 

Trump Eyes Deal With Putin on US Pullout from Syria 
Trump to clinch deal with Putin to withdrawal from Syria

two leaders to summit in Helsinki on July 16 
discuss US-Russia, pressing intn'l issues, including Syria 

Trump to reach agreement with Putin 
allow US troops to "get out ASAP" from Syria

Trump revealed US to withdraw from Syria
no confirmation from Pentagon
issue raised at Thurs meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah II

My comments : This is great news for the US and Russia. If the US can make peace with North Korea and withdraw US troops from Syria, there will be less tension between the super powers. 

Nature abhors a vacuum so in the absence of the US Army it will be all out war between the local shithole states.  

If Iran sticks their neck out too far the Israelis may cut it off.
If the Saudis stick their necks out the Iranians may cut it off.

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