
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 30, 2018

So Gobind Singh Will Say : Mainū panjābī bōlanī cāhīdī hai ਮੈਨੂੰ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਬੋਲਣੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ

First here is some news about Denison Jayasooria:

  • non-Malay PH MPs should engage Malays to change negative perception 
  • Denison Jayasooria : perception some PH MPs anti-Islam, anti-Malay
  • Chinese MPs go to Chinese, Indian MPs go to Indians is over
  • must aggressively go to rural Malay communities and engage 
  • GE14 showed PAS may create major political change in 10 years
  • PAS secured Kelantan, Terengganu, almost won Kedah
  • (Malays) wanted stronger Islam and Shariah in future
  • Don't dismiss Islamic aspirations of Malays 
  • Dr Denison headed Christian NGO Malaysian CARE  - Bernama

My comments :  This is the first time that the DAP has come into power at the Federal level.  They have to be careful to win the trust of the Malay / Muslim people and nurture that  trust.

The episode where DAP's Lim Guan Eng used Mandarin in an official Ministry's statement shocked many people, even Chinese.   It still remains a controversy.

Then not even a few days after Guan Eng's Mandarin faux pas,  the other DAP Minister Kulasegaran let fly in Tamil at another Official (Rasmi) Ministry event - talking to the Press.

Here is the video of Kula :

I dont know why Kulasegaran began his speech with 'Tamil pay-si thaan aakhinu" which means 'Must speak Tamil'.   Perhaps the Tamil reporter who asked the question was expecting an answer in Tamil and Kula was "confirming" with the reporter.

My advise is this. At official Government events, just speak Malay or English.  During campaigning, in your own party functions etc feel free to communicate in any language.

But for all official purposes stick to Malay and English.   There are a million reasons for this but lets focus on just a few.

I have been hearing plenty of negative feedback from Malays and non Malays about the usage of both Mandarin (Guan Eng) and Tamil (Kula) in official communications. 

What Denison Jayasooria says  "negative perception some non Malay PH MPs are anti-Islam, anti-Malay" is certainly going to be fueled even more by such things. Do not aggravate the situation lah.  What for? 

If Kula wants to speak in Tamil, then what about Gobind Singh Deo? Should Gobind then speak in Punjabi?  Just like the Tamils, the Punjabis are minorities too.

Should the Sarawakian Ministers (say Baru Bian) then  speak officially in Dayak? 

And what about the Kadazan and Suluk Ministers from Sabah?  We are going to have Ministers from   Sabah. Should our Sabah Ministers make official statements  in Suluk and/or Kadazan languages?

The more important question is : What exactly was Kulasegaran saying in Tamil?  (Even I could not understand all of what he said.)

He  was certainly speaking on behalf of his Ministry.  This means his remarks must concern all of us Malaysians -  and not just the Tamil citizens of Malaysia.  So what was Kula saying?

But since Kula spoke in Tamil (which very few people other than Tamils will understand) then his remarks were obviously reserved exclusively for the benefit of the Tamils in Malaysia.    

All other Malaysians ie bumiputras, Malays, Chinese, Ibans, Dusuns, etc have suddenly become "Lain-lain".  

This is not just what other Malaysians (especially the Malays) will think or how they will perceive Kula speaking Tamil - this is what actually happened ie a Federal Minister reserved his remarks exclusively for one community.  

Say what you want but things like this certainly do not earn the trust of the Malays. And others as well.  

Di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit di junjung.   There is great wisdom in this Malay saying. 

I am certain that Malays in Sri Lanka speak excellent Sinhalese.  The Malays in South Africa speak excellent Afrikaans and English as well.  Di mana bumi dipijak di situ langit di junjung.

Do remember this close at heart.

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