
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 30, 2018

Serambi Mekah Imam Marries 11 Year Old Child In Golok.

Authorities investigate marriage 40 year-old man and 11-year-old
after news became viral on social media

Gua Musang Social Welfare Department notified 
three officers investigating marriage in Thailand
Cases like these not new but only sensationalised without addressing it

M'sians outraged woman congratulating husband on marriage with 11-yr-old 
man is a religious leader at village mosque, respected by many

the man has two wives 
new bride’s parents rubber tappers who sell rubber to new son-in-law

man discovered dating 11-year-old in March
they got married without knowledge of two wives 
marriage not registered in Malaysia

Unicef rep Marianne Clark-Hattingh expressed fury  
urged Pakatan govt review legal age for marriage
shocking, unacceptable, not best interest of child, she said

violation of her rights
reform law to set legal age for marriage at 18 without exception 
should be priority of the new Parliament

Joint Action Group (JAG) for Gender Equality also condemn the marriage
child marriages hindered girl’s formal education 
gross violation of Articles 3 and 24 of Convention on Rights of the Child 
govt (must) pledge legislative action to end child marriage 
raise marriageable age for all M'sians to 18-yrs, with no exceptions, JAG 

My comments : Will the PAS State government be sending the happy couple any flowers?

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