
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 8, 2018

Collapse Of Saudi Arabia : ISIS And Al Qaeda Will Take Over.

Is Saudi Arabia the Middle East’s Next Failed State?
October 4, 2018 

decadence leads to collapse for Muslim dynasties
Such a scenario may be playing out with Saudis

By Daniel Lazare

Reports growing that Saudi crown prince, losing his grip
economic reform program stalled 
nixed plans to privatize Saudi Aramco
Saudi war in Yemen quagmire 
kingdom’s sword rattling with Iran making region jumpy

Heavy gunfire in Riyadh last April sparked rumors MBS killed in palace coup
exiled prince urged to put end to “irrational, erratic, and stupid” rule

prince afraid for his life, spending nights on yacht in Jeddah  
deepening Saudi crisis  

if MBS goes, he’ll take Al-Saud with him
ISIS and al-Qaida waiting in the wings  
will succumb to ragtag militia riding Toyota pickups and AK-47s

Evidence of Instability

Events are proceeding on course

King Salman 82, suffered at least one stroke, “mild dementia” 
in Moscow in 2017 doddering old man who can barely descend staircase
a group study in decrepitude

MBS personifies foolishness and decadence 
headstrong, impractical, immature

declared war on Yemen

Saudi men and women lazy, not interested in working
Saudi youth prefer stay at home 

800,000 foreign workers have left country 
FDI plummeted from $7.5b to $1.4b since 2016 
super development projects in jeopardy 
Saudi Aramco privatization is on hold  

MBS imprisoned women’s rights advocates
threatened dissident cleric and Shiite activists with death penalty
cracked down on satirical postings on social media

plunked down $500 million for yacht
$450 million for painting by Leonardo da Vinci
$300 million for French chateau
hypocrisy is so thick 
almost as if he wants to be overthrown  

Fundamental Enemies

lean and hungry fundamentalists ISIS and al- Qaida
would like nothing more than to parade crown prince’s head  

In May, al-Qaida denounced Saudi as “heretical” 
In July, ISIS attack on Saudi security checkpoint 
Aug, ISIS chief accused Saudi “destroying Islam”  
These are fighting words

Both groups enjoy extensive support inside kingdom
wealthy Saudis, including royal family, fund al-Qaida $30m per year
Hillary Clinton confided, Saudi most significant donors to terrorism worldwide

>3000 Saudis traveled to Syria / Iraq to join al-Qaida, ISIS 
return home - fifth column threatening royal family as well
crumbling royal family could fall like ripe date 

Could Saudi Arabia become the Middle East’s next failed state? 

My comments :  The entire Middle East is screwed up. These are tribals. Aboroginal. Its not a crime to be a tribal but they think it is a crime if you are not from their tribe. Plus a few other ingredients like not being very civilised, a satanic belief system, the camel pee in the diet, the damned desert sand getting into everywhere. You know irritants like that.

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