
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 8, 2018

Don't mix business and politics, Anwar Ibrahim!

Many people tell me that the more they hear prime minister-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim talk during the hustings in Port Dickson (PD), the more the bile rises in their throats.
The side-show at PD is a major distraction to satisfy the cravings of one man. It was flawed from the very beginning. Despite the pressing issues of the nation, some MPs have been forced to waste precious time canvassing in PD, in a show of solidarity.
Many issues need urgent attention, such as national security and cyber security. The rise of extremism. The inability of the Women's Ministry to resolve the issue of child marriages. The root causes of single mothers resorting to prostitution. Pollution. The grid-locked roads. The inadequate public transport system. The inequality in society. The failing education system. The rise of intolerant ulamas. The two-tiered justice system, which has failed Muslim women. The tahfiz schools debacle. Don't underestimate the damage these have done.
More recently, the gate-crashing of the army veterans event by Anwar and his star studded treatment, which was followed days later by the announcement that "Tony Fernandes is my new pal, he will develop PD."
The sheer hypocrisy, the double standards and Anwar's strong sense of entitlement are unpalatable. The gormless attitude of his followers, who treat Anwar like Moses, is disappointing. Change in GE14 was not intended to give Anwar a licence to act like Umno-Baru 2.0
As for the MPs who have to rally round Anwar, and give him their support, what else can they do? To refuse, would invite criticisms of disunity within Pakatan Harapan. To campaign with him, has already been seen as kow-towing to the future PM, as they hope to keep their positions after a cabinet reshuffle.
On Oct 3, Anwar made a surprise appearance at the army museum in PD. After being criticised by Malaysians, PKR's communication director, Fahmi Fadzil, clarified that Anwar had been a guest.
Fahmi is not stupid. An invited guest would not spoil the defence minister's presentation award ceremony by turning-up unannounced. Anwar was most disrespectful to the army veterans. He knows that Mat Sabu (photo) will not turn him away, because it would reflect badly on the defence minister.
Not a good quality for a PM
Each day reveals more of the real Anwar, that has previously been suppressed. Last week, he had a hostile, surly and emotional outburst when he called his detractors the 'Super Liberals', because they opposed his backdoor entry as an MP. It shows that he cannot keep his emotions in check. Not a good quality for a PM.
Surely, the most contentious of his remarks was his reminder to Malaysians to forget (and perhaps forgive?) Tony Fernandes' former close ties with disgraced, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and Umno-Baru/BN.
Just before GE14, Fernandes openly supported Najib and accompanied him to Sabah on a plane that had been specially painted in the BN colours. The cabin crews' uniforms were similarly coloured. When Najib lost, Fernandes blamed Najib for piling on the pressure.
Anwar's change of heart towards Fernandes was effected when the Air Asia boss revealed his desire to turn the "unpolished gem", Port Dickson, into a successful transit destination, like Dubai. He said, "Its proximity to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) makes it potentially to be like the Malaysian version of the Jumeirah Beach in Dubai.”
Before the people of PD give Anwar the go-ahead, they should read up on the other side of Dubai - the seedy side, where money, not morals, is the prime mover.
Dubai is a city of contradictions. Millions of guestworkers from the Indian subcontinent and the Philippines, have been imported to work on the multi-million dollar construction projects and skyscraper hotels. Many workers live in squalor, bussed to and from work. They see nothing else. They are the forgotten people.
On the other hand, expatriates are lured by the tax-free status, the big houses in gated communities. The international schools. The corporate husbands. The coffee morning wives. They too, refuse to acknowledge the Dubai slave culture.
Gambling is forbidden, but racing camels exchange hands for several million dollars. It may be an Islamic country, but it is alleged that call-girls of every description, from many parts of the world, ply their trade in the luxury hotels.
Dubai is an artificial city and a 21st-century playground for those with money. What you see when you transit in Dubai, may look exciting and breathtaking. Look further, if you can.
Local issues that need urgent attention
Before the people of PD allow politicians and their business friends to destroy their hometown, they should first force the MPs to solve the local issues which need urgent attention.
It is alleged that there are many abandoned projects, in PD, that were started in the early 1990s. What makes Fernandes think his project will not become another white elephant?
Will Anwar think of the impact on the environment, for example sewage treatment operations, waste treatment and energy supply needed for the proposed increase in population? Will he and Fernandes show that they can deal with the sustainability of the environment, instead of chasing a quick profit?
Don't develop just for development's sake. Many past projects elsewhere ignored the effects on the environment.
Anwar described Fernandes as a good businessman and manager, who lacked political acumen. He said, "That's all right. I am knowledgeable in politics, but in business not so. So I told Tony, in politics he should listen to me and in business, I will listen to him."
Anwar is parroting a version of the infamous words of a former disgraced PM, who said, "You help me, I help you."
Anwar needs to be reminded that both he and Fernandes are poor judges of character. Fernandes supported Najib in GE14. Najib lost. Earlier, in GE13, Fernandes praised Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and said, “I have really never seen anyone who works so hard, like her."
Yes, we know how hard her family worked to buy condominiums, instead of cattle, with the taxpayers' money.
By endorsing Fernandes, Anwar appears to be defying Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who a few days ago rejected a RM100 million donation to the Pakatan Harapan Fund, because he feared that the company which offered the donation might not be sincere, and will attach strings to its offer.
Conversely, Anwar appears not to notice any conflict of interest in the deal with Fernandes. Can he really be that naïve? Can such a gullible person be a suitable PM?

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). BlogTwitter. - Mkini

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