
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 6, 2018

No Confidence Motion Against Tun Dr Mahathir By End October / November ??

Early today morning I received this via WhatsApp. From UMNO friends of course but no less relevant.

Dalam whatsapp kawan kawan ada yang hint & sebut something going to happen in Oct.  

Some went on to suggest that the kunjung hormat UK & Australia to Zahid Hamidi as though these two govts "macam dah tau ada perkara akan berlaku in Oct". 

With Brader in Parliament they speculate that  he will  be their hope in a situation of  
  • a "hung" Parliament 
  • or  something like a vote of no confidence 
  • or something like that . 
Thats why a faction of UMNO want him to win in PD

Why did the US and UK ambassadors go and visit Zahid Hamidi? It only props up the image of  not just a loser but a  genuine non thinking idiot.  

At whose insistence did the two ambassadors visit Zahid?   
Are the US and UK doing someone a favour? 
Still trying for regime change?

(I recall the British High Commissioner's pathetic "congratulatory" message after the May 9th elections. She said something about "lets not argue over nasi lemak" or some crap like that - over some UK TV cook show that featured nasi lemak. Quite unbelievable. The irrelevance. The madam may have a pith helmet in the broom closet.)

British colonial officer wearing a pith helmet in 
the Jumanji Campaign. Here be a pun indeed.

There is always talk that if he wins the By Elections the Brader will engineer a 'No Confidence Motion" in Parliament against Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir.

The suggestion is UMNO or PAS or both may first initiate the motion. 
That is already about 67 votes in Parliament.  (49 UMNO + 18 PAS). 
PKR has 49 seats.  
49 + 18 + 49 = 116 and GAME OVER for Dr Mahathir as PM.

PKR may not be so obvious in supporting UMNO. 

But what if PKR "ABSTAINS" from showing support for Dr Mahathir?

Motion AGAINST Dr Mahathir = 67 (UMNO and PAS)

Motion FOR Dr Mahathir = ??  (with PKR abstaining).

Or Parliament will be "hung".  If there is a hung Parliament 

a. Will the King be happy?
b. Will the King be sad
c. Will the King be overjoyed?

"The King shall invite the person who commands the majority support in Parliament to form the government. 

Bukan begitu?"

PKR's 49 seats may not be intact.
Zahid Hamidi does not control all 49 UMNO MPs anymore. 
It used to be 54. Not anymore. 

The astrologers say November may bring tensions in the country.
The UMNO folks say it will be October.

October or November - so what. They both end with "ber".

It was a TV cook show. Nasi lemak. 
It could have been Royal Yorkshire Pudding. 
The National Dish of the United Kingdom.

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