
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Perlis Darul Teroris? Takkan Mufti Tak Tahu?

This is what I call cerita bodoh. 

The big question is HOW THE HELL do so many of these jihadi terrorists keep entering Malaysia, live here freely, rent houses and apartments here, get teaching jobs in the country, run madrasahs, run businesses especially restaurants, work inside the country,  get invited to Malay peoples' houses (including some Tan Sris and Dato Seris) where they teach their satanic version of religion? 

Why is that allowed to happen in the first place? Then when the shit hits the fan, the Police have to waste their time, money and resources to investigate, put under surveillance and then arrest these terrorists. 

Tak ada kerja lain kah brader? 
Why let them inisde the country in the first place?

Now here is the cerita bodoh (from Star and NST)

8 terrorist rounded up for activities threaten national security
7 foreigners, 1 Msian – detained in Perlis, KL, Johor on Sept 24.

IGP said all involved with Islamic centre in Perlis, extremist teachings

they rejected democracy 
men and women not allowed to wear pants
claimed education at higher education institutions haram (forbidden)
not allowed to work as men and women (at workplaces) 

either students or former teaching staff of the centre

first arrests in Perlis - 5 Europeans, 1 from America aged 24 to 38
all 6 connected to ISIS and other terror cells 
They are all students of learning centre in Perlis

(OSTB :  SIX Mat Salleh psychos with beards and wearing women's dresses walking around in teeny tiny Perlis SINCE 2014 did not attract the attention of the Pejabat Mufti of Perlis ??  

And this terrorist group has been preaching in that madrasah since BEFORE 2014 - more than FOUR YEARS ago. And no one else in Perlis noticed? Was this group involved in the abduction and disappearance of Amri Che Mat the Shiah fellow in Perlis?)

foreign intel showed connections with madrasah in Dammaj, Yemen
set up by Sheikh Muqbil Hadi Al Wadi, a Salafi Jihadi scholar

(OSTB :  This Sheikh Muqbil was born a Shia in 1933. He claims to have converted to violent Salafism somewhere along the line. He died in 2001. 

In 1979 as a young man this psycho Sheikh Muqbil was arrested in Saudi Arabia for involvement in the attack and seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca. After a few months in jail this fellow was forced to return to Yemen; where he would eventually become known as the father of the modern Salafi movement in Yemen. It was there that he began to spread the Salafi Da'wah in Yemen.)

(Yemen) madrasah teachings permits killing of non-Muslims, Muslims 
labelled democratic system as "toghut"(un-Islamic)

7th arrested was 33-year-old Middle-East man in KL
a teacher of learning centre
spread Salafi teachings in guise of Islamic classes in Klang Valley

(OSTB :   spread Salafi teachings in guise of Islamic classes in Klang Valley??  Waa-lau eh! So how many people have these fellows influenced in the Klang Valley? 

Their SALAFI cancer has been spreading for at least FOUR YEARS since 2014. Baru sekarang depa kena tangkap. Tetapi otak Tuan-Tuan, Puan-Puan, Tan Sri dan Dato Sri sudah rosak, bodoh dan berkarat dah. Boleh jadi  Sarjan Siak  dalam 1st Regiment, Jihadi Retards Division.)

last arrest was 32-year-old M'sian in Muar 
He was student at the centre in 2014

teachings are basis of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiah, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf 

not first time terror elements spread Salafi teachings in Msia
JI leaders Abdullah Sungkar, Abu Bakar Basyir in NS and Johor 1985

receiving actionable intelligence that Yemen terrorists setting up learning centre 

(OSTB : Tan Sri IGP when exactly did you receive this "actionable intelligence"?  These terrorists have been operating in Perlis since 2014. 

But only now the Police received actionable intelligence? 
After FOUR years?  

The question is WHY did these YEMENI SALAFI terrorists come to Malaysia in 2014?

Here is the most likely answer:  

Sheikh Muqbil established institute named Dar al-Hadith in Dammaj, Yemen
became among most influential school of Salafism in the world
teaching tens of thousands of Arabs, Africans, Southeast Asians, West
Sheikh Muqbil and Ja'far 'Umar Thalib established close ties with Indon Salafis

In 2014 Dar al-Hadeeth shut down after Siege of Dammaj by Houthis
manager of institute, Yahya Hajuri, thousands of foreign students  forced to relocate

So in 2014 something very bad happened. The Houthis kicked these SALAFIS out of Yemen. 

So then these lalat tahi started to look for another country to relocate their Salafi madrasah. They had already created Indonesian Salafi terrorists. Indonesia most cleverly did not allow them to relocate their madrassah in Indonesia. 

This meant these Salafi terrorists had no choice. 
They MUST come to Malaysia. 
Why Malatysia?

1. In Malaysia (from past experience) all islamic terrorists are quite welcome.
2. The Malay people simply just love them.
3. Zakir Naik, another pro Salafi preacher was offered THREE islands.
4. Maybe these YEMENI Salafis will be offered THREE WIVES each.
5. Maybe they will get invited to Parliament House where they can give speeches.)

Among them brother-in-law of prominent terrorist in Asean region 
linked to Syeikh Muqbil madrasah (school) in Yemen.

efforts of Salafi terrorists to set up religious centres in the region
foreign teachers, foreign students at centre linked to Syeikh Muqbil, Salafi jihadist
madrasah in Yemen strongly upholds slaughtering non-Muslims and Muslims 

not first time foreign Salafi used Malaysia as base and to recruit
same MO used by Abdullah Sungkar, Abu Bakar Bashir, Jemaah Islamiah leaders 
entered M'sia 1985 set up centres in NS and Johor 
to advocate Salafi jihadism and recruit new members

six are members of IS in their home country

actively organising religious classes to propagandise Salafi in Klang Valley

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