
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 5, 2018

Politics Is NOT About Justice

Let the non-Malays scream about justice, civil liberties and human rights. They are going to scream anyway as long as whatever happens is not to their interest or in their favour. Malays need to just focus on winning. And to win the end always justifies the means and Machiavellian politics is the name of the game. Matlamat menghalalkan cara!

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Yesterday, a Chinese girl/woman posted a comment saying that at last we are seeing justice. This was in response to the news that Rosmah Mansor is facing 17 criminal charges. To this person, justice translates to criminal charges for Rosmah.
I have noticed that most Pakatan Harapan supporters view justice as events turning out in their favour or turning out the way they would like it to turn out. If they would like to see something happen, and if it happens, then that is justice.

Mahathir is not seeking justice for Najib and Rosmah but wants to make sure he (Mahathir) stays on as Prime Minister

There are many words that describe justice: fairness, justness, fair-play, fair-mindedness, equity, equitableness, even-handedness, egalitarianism, impartiality, impartialness, lack of bias, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, lack of prejudice, open-mindedness, non-partisanship; honour, uprightness, decency, integrity, probity, honesty, righteousness, ethics, morals, morality, virtue, principle, right-mindedness, propriety, scrupulousness, trustworthiness, incorruptibility, etc.
So, take your pick. Justice is described in so many ways. But if I were asked to define justice, I would say justice is doing what you would like others to do to you and kezaliman (cruelty or an unjust act) is doing to others what you would never like done to you.
Some ulama’ (religious scholars) define kezaliman as denying Muslims their right to God’s laws. For example, if God (Allah) ordained Sharia law on all Muslims, and if anyone denies Muslims their right to follow or implement Sharia laws, then that is kezaliman.

It is halal for Muslims to declare war on those who deny Muslims their right to practice Islam

And Islam further says if you are a victim of kezaliman — in that you are denied your right to practice Islam — then you have a right to declare war on these people and to kill them. So, fighting for your right to practice Islam, Islamic laws included, is mandatory upon all Muslims and is NOT considered an act of terrorism.
Now, let us talk about justice in politics.
In politics, justice does not exist. Politics is about attaining power and you do whatever you can to gain power. If you are worried about justice then you will never get into power.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad threw Anwar Ibrahim into jail in 1998 to retain power and to fend off the conspiracy to oust him. Mahathir also made his move on Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2006 and ousted him three years later. Mahathir then made his move on Najib Tun Razak in 2015 and ousted him three years later as well.
And do not forget Tun Musa Hitam, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and Tun Ghafar Baba as well, all victims of Mahathir in the game of thrones. Then we have Memali and Operasi Lalang, two more moves Mahathir made to stay in power.

Justice does not exist in Mahathir’s vocabulary

So, you see, you do what it takes to attain and retain power. And justice has no place in this game of thrones. So those people who talk about justice and equate what Najib and Rosmah are facing as justice really need to wake up. Justice and politics are as compatible as prostitution and virginity.
Mahathir used the Chinese education movement to garner Chinese votes in the November 1999 general election or GE10 because the Malays had deserted Barisan Nasional (in fact, Terengganu and Kelantan fell and Kedah almost fell). Then, after GE10, Mahathir reneged on his promise to the Chinese and called them communists.
Two months after GE10, Mahathir cancelled the 5% oil royalty to Terengganu even though that was illegal and violated not only the 1976 Agreement which Petronas signed but the 1974 Petroleum Development Act as well.
Is that just or legal? No, but that is politics.

Anwar even resorted to rioting to try to oust Mahathir

So, these Pakatan Harapan people should stop talking about justice. This is politics and justice has no place in politics. If we need to trigger a riot to gain power (like what Anwar Ibrahim did in 1998) then so be it. The lives that are lost is collateral damage in this game of thrones.
Millions are dying in North Africa, the Middle East and many more places. Millions! And many of them are innocent women and children. Is this just? This is politics so who cares? Malays needs to learn that, when it comes to politics, justice must be ignored. Even democracy needs to be suspended until you come into power.
Let the non-Malays scream about justice, civil liberties and human rights. They are going to scream anyway as long as whatever happens is not to their interest or in their favour. Malays need to just focus on winning. And to win the end always justifies the means and Machiavellian politics is the name of the game. Matlamat menghalalkan cara!


  1. This acticle has missed the point big time. It goes on and on about something that we all know that is just part of our nature : self preversation, by all means if needed, especially when push comes to shove, no less in politics, where being dirty and nasty is often part of the game everywhere - no different here; the winners prevail, the losers to the bin.
    The issue here is just a simple straightforward case, of someone who has stolen my money, who has been caught, who has now been brought to justice. If that is not justice for me, then what is it? Yes, I would feel very good and its sweet, whatever he wants to call it. Even the BN dacing symbol embodies it, but they trampled on it and the law. Just let them go to court and prove their innocence, that's all this propaganist should say, or can say- but he opt not to.
    Telling us to wake up after this long-winded and boring trash talk, convulated in every sense, running from local politics to religion, is a pretty tough call. His readers are numb to this, I guess- the trashier the better for them. He is just giving them their daily fix to keep them awake. I would rather sleep through it.
    There is no need for us ( the non- Malays ) to scream for justice- for it had never worked before, or will it now- for this perogative belongs to the thief, when he is found guilty and led away. Is he also implying that the Malays have no concept of what justice is!
    This chap is hell-bent on making everything a racial thing. Well, he has to, what else can he barks on, to make a living, except this. A sad case, he is

  2. Raja Podah Kamaruddin. What a spin master.


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