
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 12, 2018

Yoursay: At least, the finance minister not an expert in ‘stealing’ assets

YOURSAY | There are a ‘trillion’ reasons why Harapan is now selling assets.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: For a former prime minister and former finance minister who allegedly treated the Treasury as his personal piggy bank, Najib Abdul Razak sure talks a lot.
In usual circumstances, an ex-premier wouldn’t normally comment on the country’s state of affairs so soon after being ousted in the polls. And he is not even the president of his party – or maybe he is, considering Umno chief Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s deafening silence on most issues.
Najib is just putting on a brave face. By doing so, he hopes his diehard supporters remain behind him, notwithstanding the 30-odd court charges he is facing for money laundering and abuse of power.
Even though his next port of call is likely the ‘Bamboo River Resort’, he has not shown any shame nor remorse. Is he delusional?
Hope: Didn't the opposition parties set up a shadow cabinet? Let them comment on our new cabinet's policies, please. Otherwise, what is the point of having one?
We actually don't mind constructive criticism from the shadow cabinet to keep our new cabinet in check, but they have been deadly quiet.
Instead, this random Pekan MP, who is not the opposition leader, part of the shadow cabinet, or a bigwig in his own party, is making rounds claiming he could do a better job at handling our finances. Something is not quite right here.
Overseas: Najib, you still don't get it, do you? During and in the run-up to the last election, you had the entire government machinery working to ensure your party emerged victors. When I say everything, I mean everything.
What happened next was, to say the least, astonishing – you lost. Your worst nightmare became a reality.
Now you, Najib, are out on bail. You have 32 criminal charges against you. You have had your passport confiscated. Whether or not you are found guilty, you have been thoroughly and utterly humiliated. Your party has back benched you so far we need a pair of binoculars to see you.
So, do you really think anyone can even begin to care what you think, write or do? It seems to me this present government, only being in power for a few months, should be praised for steering the good ship Malaysia on the correct course.
You, Najib, know only too well this new government will take time to right the many wrongs of your administration’s betrayal of our country.
Most former prime ministers and presidents disappear from the forefront of politics. They write books, enjoy the company of grandchildren, and go gentle into that good night. Maybe you should follow their example.
Clever Voter: Najib is doing his country a favour through his new role as opposition spokesperson. It is good to hear different perspectives, but when he starts to get his facts wrong, then we need to steer clear of him.
Najib is saying this because it is familiar to him, he has done it all before. Selling assets is one, but he went further by increasing liabilities through heavy borrowings – and we all know how that turned out.
No Fear Nor Favour: If what Najib says is true, and Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng is indeed an “expert in selling assets,” he can get started by selling Umno’s assets.
Lipdah: At least Lim is not stealing the assets. That’s a welcome change.
BA Baracus: I’m confused. I don’t get Najib’s point here. When he says “selling land,” he’s obviously responding – as he does on a daily basis now – to something Lim did recently and the only thing I can think of is the finance minister announcing that Harapan will decouple land swap deals from project development deals.
I can’t see how this is a bad thing. Surely, it is superior to the way things were done before, and allows less wriggle room for those looking to siphon money from development projects.
Lim should just ensure he doesn’t make more mistakes from here on in. Najib will get so incensed and bored, he will probably log onto Facebook every night after dinner and criticise the finance minister’s hair or something.
If they allow mobile phones in Sungai Buloh, that is.
NNFC: There’s one bit he conveniently left out of his rant. Najib sold off a lot of land, including Tun Razak Exchange land, at below market prices, only to allow the buyers to resell at much higher prices.
Mission Accomplished: Even if what you say is true, Najib, the difference is that you too were an expert in selling land, but you allegedly pocketed the returns. That’s called stealing.
Lim, on the other hand, sold land for development and job creation when he was the chief minister of Penang.
Anonymous_1535762813: Indeed, if Lim is an expert in selling assets, the many charges against Najib shows that he is a master of corruption, misappropriation of funds and criminal breach of trust.
Anticonmen: Najib, everyone is now well aware of your hypocrisy and vindictiveness.
You deprived Penang of its rightful federal development allocations, and at the same time, allegedly pocketed billions from 1MDB loans, selling assets for cheap to cronies, and commissions from defence contracts.
William DC: The man who should never have been prime minister is truly delusional. He desperately needs help.
After achieving international infamy for wrecking a country, piling up a debt mountain, and supporting a habit of paying more for a handbag than you would for a car, he thinks he's a good judge of financial management.
Malaysiakini, please put up a ‘Humour’ section, and relegate all stories about this man there.
New Msian: Najib is obviously pining for his old job where he can do anything he wants with his ‘macai’. I hope he gets what’s coming to him sooner rather than later.
At least, when he’s put in charge of serving food, he doesn’t keep a triple helping for himself.  - Mkini

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