
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Maszlee hints at returning to serve govt


Former education minister Maszlee Malik has implied that he may return to serve the government after he met with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim recently.

In a Facebook post last night, Maszlee posted a series of pictures which included himself and Anwar at what appears to be a PKR supreme council meeting.

“We, in the PKR supreme council, stand strong with Anwar to ensure the stability of the government and continuity of the reform agenda for the wellbeing of the rakyat and country.

“Supreme council members are determined to ensure this party stays relevant and remains the main party of choice for the multi-ethnic rakyat in this country.

“Anwar told me: ‘Just get ready, your sabbatical will soon be over!’,” Maszlee said in the Facebook post.

No further details were given about when or in what form Maszlee would be returning to work for the government.

Maszlee lost the race for the Simpang Renggam seat in the 15th general election, losing to BN’s Hasni Mohammad.

Currently, Maszlee does not have any official position with the government. - Mkini

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