
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 15, 2023

YOURSAY | Forgive Dr M, but don't forget


YOURSAY | ‘Mahathir is now a good for nothing history.’

Anwar doesn’t want turbulent relationship with Dr M to persist

Fair Play: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, be aware of what you said and wished for. The man is very capable of twisting everything you said to his advantage and as a justification for past performance.

The rakyat would hold you to the highest standard of accountability and the restoration of justice and fairness to all Malaysians.

Just focus on your promise to the rakyat about the eradication of corruption in the system especially past acts committed many, many years ago and in recent times too in relation to the monumental pilferage of the nation’s wealth under the guise of redistribution to the majority poor and needy.

Just imagine how wealthy the nation would be today if the system was clean and politicians were held accountable for their actions since independence.

Look no further than the little red dot south of the border as a benchmark.

Apanama is Back: Yes, Anwar, it is important to focus on nation-building and whatever reforms you plan to undertake.

Let former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad say and narrate whatever he wants. He is now a spent force and people already ignored him based on his votes and loss of deposit.

He is now a “good for nothing history”.

You can’t be issuing statements whenever this “menace and nuisance” narrates some nonsense that is not relevant anymore. He is still stuck in the 1960s!

The youth are now facing issues regarding jobs and the cost of living. I hope you could speed up the cost of living solutions soonest possible since it is already 50 days since you took over.

You must be aware that state elections are on the way in six to eight months and youth votes are important. Once you solve their issues, you could curb the green wave.

IndigoKuching8924: Mr prime minister, you have shown an almost Mandela-like ability to forgive. But please don’t forget.

Mahathir has repeatedly shown his true colours and is grinding his teeth in anguish. He is now irrelevant… period.

Please get on with the governance of this country.

To quote Mandela... “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” You have leapt up more than most.

Carry on with a dignified silence and shame those whose rhetoric is caustic and divisive. The rakyat has had enough of this Machiavellian politics.

MS: As atonement for his unsavoury past with Mahathir, Anwar should systematically dismantle every Mahathir-mooted institution and organisation which has served to divide the country, widening the chasm between Muslims and non-Muslims, and providing a ketuanan (supremacy) cover for routine wrongdoing.

If he does not do so and quickly, those same entities will continue to undermine him while providing the fodder sought by his enemies.

But since it will take guts and mental clarity to clean the country of Mahathir’s vile creations, I guess we should not hold our breath.

JBond: Spoken like a statesperson rather than some snake oil salesperson like some past PMs. A unifying stance that Bolehland needs badly, to heal animosity and wasteful aggression.

We must earn back a place in the sun by fighting a battle with the outside but not among ourselves. These are values that are totally rejected by Perikatan Nasional so they should be in the political wilderness in the long run.

Instigation, hate-mongering, and weaponising religion have no place in a peace-loving society. The PM has to keep these extremists in check to keep peace in a multiracial country.

Betul Malu Bukan Malu Apa: The years that Anwar spent in prison has changed him into a better and more humble person than he was when he was Umno deputy president and deputy prime minister under Mahathir.

The 22 years of toxic legacy which Mahathir left behind, caused especially by his brainchild Biro Tata Negara (National Civics Bureau) has resulted in what Malaysia is today.

During our times in the 1960s and 70s, we could freely mix around with other races and as schoolboys, we looked forward to visiting the Malay homes of our friends during Hari Raya.

During Deepavali, we visited the homes of our Indian friends. That was Malaysia then, one big happy family regardless of race.

Now, like a broken mirror, it cannot be fixed and most of it was due to one angry, selfish man Mahathir. Until today, at age 97, he is still talking about Malay supremacy.

VS: For what he made you go through, the least you can do is to pull him for the alleged scandals he conveniently closed from the rakyat to show what sort of a man he is.

His money-making machine through cronyism to the wealth acquired by his children, the death railway payoff by the Japanese for the workers’ families which was allegedly never paid or accounted for are just a few.

You should be exposing his crooked ways so history remembers him as such. Karma has already caught up with him. He ruined this multi-racial, multi-religious country, a prosperous nation through his ketuanan policies to divide the people so he can remain in power.

Mano: Anwar, well said! He may end his life with all negative feelings burning in him. That is for him to decide if that is the way.

We have given you a huge responsibility.

Thinking of his rantings may just deplete your enthusiasm and energy and that is not going to help.

Maybe that is the reason he keeps blurting his nonsense. Tak payah layan dah (no need to entertain anymore). It is enough, you, your family, and the rakyat have entertained him for this long. - Mkini

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