
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kudos to Johor sultan for firm stand on Muslims-only laundrette

YOURSAY | ‘We hope the sultan's wise stand will encourage other rulers to do the same.’
Vijay47: Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar has ordered the Muslims-only laundrette in Muar to stop its controversial policy or risk being shut down.
What is especially comforting to everyone and particularly non-Muslims is not the sultan’s condemnation of that fanatical laundrette owner, but the force and bluntness with which His Majesty expressed his displeasure. The sultan's seething fury is almost palpable.
Is the Johor royal family the only one worried about the insane direction some Muslims and Malays are embarking on? Assured as we are by His Majesty’s stand, there is still much cause for concern about serious failings elsewhere.
Apart from banker Nazir Razak, Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, and a Harapan leader (Amanah vice-president Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus), where were all the other pious Muslim personalities when fanaticism was creeping in even more openly? Even these three were obviously restrained and gentle in their criticism.
Where were you, ministers Khairy Jamaluddin, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Salleh Said Keruak, and the rest of the usual suspects?
Where were the other Muslim opposition leaders; where were you, PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail? I will not bother to mention Abdul Hadi Awang and the rest of the PAS breed because they and the laundrette operator are all cut from the same cloth.
MIC and MCA, do you still hold fast to your faithful stand that banning the Better Beer Festival is what is required in a multi-racial Malaysia?
But more importantly, where was our Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak? He would want us to believe that he leads a moderate Malaysia, a creature long extinct, and he makes all the right speeches which are never matched by the right action.
Najib has never even once spoken out firmly against Malay and Muslim extremists; he remains deaf, dumb, and blind over the growing intrusions into anything non-Muslim.
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, you proudly claimed that you had instructed the inspector-general of police to act against anyone who might dare to host a beer celebration.
Are you going to be similarly decisive against that Johor laundrette operator or are you going to claim that you cannot act on religious matters?
Matters must be close to total collapse if our only hope is a sultan and his sons.
Fellow Malaysian: Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar has just made an emphatic stand on the controversy surrounding the issue of a Muslims-only laundrette which has caught the entire country's attention.
The operator of the laundrette service had flagrantly ignored and disregarded the sensitivities of many non-Muslim subjects in the state. His brazenness in his defence of his obtrusive business operation has unnerved and disconcerted many through the entire country and not just the people of Johor. If his overzealous action is left unrestrained, this may embolden others into taking more insidious actions.
The strongly-worded rebuke by His Majesty serves to clear the air at a time when racial and religious issues seem to have taken a toll on the lives of many. We hope the sultan's wise stand will encourage other rulers to do the same.
CQ Muar: It is for this reason that our Johor sultan and his family have earned the love and respect of all his subjects in Johor. The Tuanku's warning to the laundrette owner is just another instance with regards to extremism by some in the name of Islam.
The Johor ruler has on many occasions made his views on co-existence and harmony felt, and forbidden any form of discrimination by Muslims against non-Muslims. Let this message of Sultan Ibrahim be a final warning to those who wish to remain in this state to adhere and observe the laws.
His Majesty had stated that Bangsa Johor does not condone extremism of any kind, particularly from one faith to another. Daulat Tuanku.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: It is so good to hear good sense from the Johor sultan and see his courage in putting a stop to outrageous actions in the name of religion. I am sure no one in Umno would have done so.
Religion should not be used to divide people. We see this happening every day in almost every part of the world. Instead of being a unifier, it seems to segregate and pit one against another.
MA: This sultan really sees the need to be a leader of all under his state, and all Malaysians will gladly welcome this move. This surely bodes well for the constitutional monarchy system practised here.
Anonymous: When all the politicians to whom we relied upon to make an important stand on issues as divisive as this, I am glad that Tuanku has made such a bold and unambiguous stand to warn those who try to use religion to divide this nation.
Tuanku has displayed exemplary leadership where Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) has failed us.
Speechless: Thank you for speaking out against extremism and for putting a stop to the divisive and discriminatory practice of the laundrette owner.
You have done what our political leaders have feared to do, and I salute you for your wisdom and principled stand.
Hamzah Paiman: While the whole world is moving forward, Malaysia seems to be heading towards the Stone Age. We don’t have strong and fair leadership at the national level.
We expected this to come from our national leaders but they are all so silent. It is so disappointing.
Gerard Lourdesamy: His Majesty has once again proven to be a wise, just and fair ruler. For far too long Islam has been politicised in the country by both Umno and PAS.
Some of the muftis, religious teachers and religious authorities in the country have been distorting the teachings of this great religion that is predicated on justice and fairness by projecting a negative image of Islam that is fundamentalist, conservative and orthodox. This is a danger to multiculturalism in the country.
Political leaders are scared to challenge the religious bodies and often defend their actions to placate their Muslim voter base. In the process, the Constitution, the law and societal norms are disregarded because of religious prejudice and fear.
Justice: Tuanku scored 100 percent for top, firm, decisive but very fair and just leadership. As they say, "evil will triumph if good men do nothing".
This is the very kind of leadership Malaysia urgently needs. Extremist individuals, politicians or political parties abusing religion and race as their political tools or vehicles to achieve their political goal must not be allowed to operate in our midst.

Congratulations Johor. May this state shine and be the light in the darkness Malaysia is going through now. - Mkini

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