
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 28, 2018


Sirul has made some highly relevant points in yet another ill-advised outburst from his prison cell.  The first is that the key witness in the Altantuya case, who needs to be hauled before detectives and then deposed in court is his former Special Actions Unit boss, Musa Safri.
Musa Safri was the man in charge of Najib’s protection at the time of the murder and we already know he was tasked with managing the problem over Altantuya’s threats to Razak Baginda. Later he escaped being called as a witness (or rather suspect) and went on to be promoted.
The key question Musa Safri is required to answer is who instructed him to order his juniors to kill Altantuya and why? Evidence that the young woman appeared to be pregnant and was claiming she knew who the father was seem relevant in this context of a motive.
Sirul has raised another shocking matter, which Sarawak Report has already heard of through other sources.  He has stated that his ‘Special Actions Unit’ was tasked with other murders also.  What Sirul describes are known as extra-judicial killings. It is a hallmark of brutal dictatorships that have abandoned the rule of law.
The key witness so far kept out of court, Musa Safri, needs to give detailed responses on this matter also.
As for Sirul, he pulled the trigger and took the cash.  By this stage his testimony is of limited value given his constant lies and willingness to continue to play Najib’s games in return for cash, instead of confessing to the truth over his months in detention in Australia.
Sirul needs to realise that what he has to say no longer counts for much.  He needs to change his mindset if he thinks he can continue to blackmail and bargain over the terms of his just punishment – now Malaysia has returned to the rule of law.

Sirul willing to assist in Altantuya case – with a full pardon

Sirul, 45, told Malaysiakini from his detention centre in Sydney today that this is the condition for his release, as he believes many now see him as a political detainee following BN’s loss in the 14th general election.
“That (Altantuya) case is my only crime, as I do not have any criminal record prior to that.
“Hence, I am willing to assist the new government to tell what actually transpired provided that the government grants me (a) full pardon.
“I had previously served under Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim, and I would also like to use this opportunity to congratulate them on their (Pakatan Harapan’s) victory (in the polls),” he told Malaysiakini.
“I also would like to thank Anwar for calling for a fresh trial,” he added.
‘No review’
Sirul also expressed his displeasure over how the murder trial was conducted, as he said he had followed his lawyers’ instructions.
He claimed the “main witness” was not called in the trial and expressed his hope the case would be heard anew.
During the trial and the appeal process at the Court of Appeal and Federal Court, Sirul was represented by Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin and Hasnal Rezua Merican.
Sirul claimed that following the Federal Court conviction, he instructed both his lawyers to file a review.
“But they have not done so and it is already three years,” he said.
Former Federal Court judge Gopal Sri Ram had suggested earlier this week that the new Harapan government should not just focus on 1MDB, but also look into the Scorpene submarines case which was under then-defence minister Najib Abdul Razak.
DAP lawmaker Ramkarpal Singh also called on the new Harapan government to reopen the Altantuya case to ascertain the motive behind her murder.
Stigma attached
Sirul also said there is stigma attached to him because of that one case.
As a police officer and later with the Special Actions Unit, he pointed out that he had apprehended and killed others in the line of duty under orders.
“I do it for the country, as all is done under orders. That is how the unit works. But I am upset when people accuse me, or say something bad about me and my family,” he said.
The job with the Special Actions Unit, he added, had destroyed his family life, as he had to divorce his wife in 2003. He retained custody of his two children, however.
As Sirul explained, his now-adult son followed him to Australia two months after he went there.
However, he had to leave his daughter behind, and longs to see her again, as she has developed breast cancer.
“My daughter, who is 20, does not want to seek treatment until she gets to see me.
“I am very concerned over her well-being and health as she is placed under my custody,” he said, crying over the phone.
Sirul has been in detention at the Immigration and Border Protection Department’s facility in Sydney for the past three years, after the Federal Court found him and chief inspector Azilah Hadri guilty of Altantuya’s murder.
Azilah is on death row in Kajang Prison. He has also applied for a pardon.
Altantuya was murdered on a secluded hill in Puncak Alam between 10pm on Oct 19, 2006 and 1.30am the following day.
In another exclusive interview with Malaysiakini, Sirul said that the key witness who had not been called was his former superior, Musa Safri, the aide-de-camp of Najib, who was deputy prime minister at the time.
This was cited as the main reason for the Court of Appeal’s acquittal of Azilah and Sirul.
Sirul had previously spent time in Sungai Buloh, Kajang and Tapah Prisons before leaving for Australia, just before the Federal Court reversed the acquittal and sentenced him and Azilah to death in January 2015. – M’kini
– Sarawak Report

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