
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Brader Anwar Meddles In Perak, Still Cannot Say Anything Profound

Wannabe PM Brader Anwar has been flying on his broomstick, scooting around the country, sticking his butt into places where he really should not.

He was in Perak.  Here is the Malay Mail of 29th May, 2018 :

No more life threatening back pains, neck pains. Pain in the ass how?

Anwar and Perak MB Faizal Azumu closed-door meeting, Ipoh May 29, 2018

Anwar suggests Perak carry out audit of GLCs, think-tanks left by previous govt
to determine how GLCs, research institutions functioning under previous govt

(My comments : What the ... !)

"Auditing is the tool to determine capacity and relevance of a particular GLC or department. I think it is a good exercise."

(My comments :  Again another "Wednesday comes after Tuesday" type of comment by the Brader. Nothing profound from the wannabe Prime Minister.  Plus, his comment is not fully correct. 

An audit should tell you how monies have been spent, whether financial and business / project milestones have been achieved or not, procedures have been followed or not. That is about all. 

An audit does not determine the "capacity" of a GLC. The new Perak government should know that already.  They do not need Auditors to tell them that.   

An audit certainly does not determine the "relevance" of any GLC. That again is a decision for the new State govt. 

  • Anwar told reporters important Perak govt give proper attention to companies
  • “I don’t have any negative perceptions of GLCs and research institutions... 
  • whatever good from previous administration, we can accept."
  • Don’t make any decision in haste or out of revenge. 

Perak has several GLCs 
MB Incorporated, State Agri Dvlpmnt Corp, SEDC 
Several quarters expressed that GLCs must be restructured, audited 
including Institut Darul Ridzuan, think tank brainchild of former MB Zambry 

My comments :  Brader Anwar is scooting around the country acting like a Prime Minister already.  

May I advise Peja the new MB of Perak (Faizal Azumu) to get everything the Brader says in writing, in black and white.

Because Peja, kalau hang ikut apa dia cakap, nanti esok kalau jadi apa-apa,  Brader itu boleh  "wash hands". 

Dia boleh kata 'I did not give you any written instructions. It was just my suggestion. I have no authority. I was not the Prime Minister."

Dia ni expert main belakang. So better be careful. If he gives instructions, get it in writing.  Check and see if he signs off as  "Wannabe Future Prime Minister".  Tak boleh bro. Tak laku. 

OK there is something else going on in Perak. 
Why did Brader Anwar make an emergency, flying visit to Perak?  

Why did he say :

  • “I don’t have any negative perceptions of GLCs and research institutions... 
  • whatever good from previous administration, we can accept."
  • Don’t make any decision in haste or out of revenge. 

Well because Nga Kor Ming and the Perak DAP want the entire Board of Directors of ALL the GLCs and think tanks set up by the previous State governemnt to resign and be gone or risk being sacked from their positions. Nga was very explicit. Here is The Star from 26th May, 2018 :

IPOH: All board members of Perak Corp (PCB) resign immediately or be sacked
Perak DAP chairman Nga said board failed miserably in managing  finances
made call following huge net loss under Perak State Development Corp (PKNP)

Nga said PCB's current liabilities RM340.6m exceed current assets by RM158.5m and its market capitalisation at RM88mil
amount of debts shocking 
shows how incapable board have been in managing 

board, former BN reps, should resign before they're sacked
irregular for company to incur such losses that exceed asset, market value
“'We call on MACC to investigate PCB for wrongdoing,” he added.

My comments : Well said YB Nga.  Obviously YB Nga understands the meaning of current assets, current liabilities, market capitalisation, asset value, market value and such.

Brader Anwar Ibrahim the wannabe Prime Minister will not know much of these things. 

The Perak Corporation has stacked up huge losses. 
Nga does not need any auditors to tell him that. 
Nga wants the MACC to step in and look for the crooked things that have been going on.

I think right now YB Nga is shocked at Brader Anwar's comment that :
  • “I don’t have any negative perceptions of GLCs and research institutions... 

Huh ?? Come again ??

No negative perceptions?  After visiting Perak? They have been running at huge losses. That is not negative enough?

Obviously there is something else going on here.

The former MB of Perak, my good friend Zambry Kadir, was also an old Anwarista.  The Brader's good friend. Itu kawan-kawan masih ada.

Brader Anwar is also very, very extremely busy re-establishing his old networks. They might come in handy.

He visited the Sultans, he visited Erdogan (??), Habibie (??), Yusuf Qardawi (??), he hosted UMNO fellows inside his kitchen, now he is soft pedalling over the issue of the loss making Perak GLCs.

Folks, here is a GIF.  This is the old coyote (ka-yo-tee) from the famous Road Runner Cartoons. 

The coyote is the perpetual bad guy. Always up to no good. And he always just misses his ultimate life's ambition - to catch the Road Runner.

Do you not see any similarities here?

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