
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 5, 2018

DAP’s Red Bean Army’s Orgy Of Fake News And Doctored Photos

Kit Siang’s miscalculation is in thinking that Mahathir would be able to do what Ku Li did in 1990 and Anwar did in 1999. However, Ku Li and Anwar both migrated with their army, bringing with them a large chunk of Umno members. In fact, Ku Li managed to bring half the Umno leadership with him. Mahathir, on the other hand, is not doing this. All he has is basically a handful of expired Umno leaders such as Daim and Rafidah who no longer command any grassroots support. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
This is what staunch DAP supporter, KTEMOC KONSIDERS, said today:
In 1999 the Chinese community taught Lim Kit Siang a prodigious, powerful & painful lesson for slutting around with PAS in the ill-fated Barisan Alternatif. Only PAS benefited from that coalition. 
After Mahathir won the 1999 general election he treacherously turned around snarling and bearing his fangs at Suqui, accusing the Chinese group of being alike communists and the Al-Ma’unah terrorist group.

Mahathir was supposed to bring 1,000,000 Umno votes with him but instead he is driving away the Chinese voters

In 2008, Lim KS seemed to have forgotten that lesson and took a chance again with his slutting around with (would you believe, again) PAS, telling the Chinese community they could trust PAS and to vote for the Islamic Party. 
Now he again wants us to put our trust in a known foe of the Chinese community, Mahathir Mohamad, a.k.a. as Lau Mah.
Why should we trust Lim Kit Siang’s on-off-on-off-etc political advice? He has been inconsistent in his political alliances and had led us astray where he convinced us to basically waste our votes on PAS in 2008 and 2013.
Why should we believe him again in 2018(READ MORE HERE)

Not all Chinese are enthusiastic about Mahathir’s ‘leadership’ of the opposition pact as what they are trying to make us believe

That is not one man’s view. That view reflects the sentiments of many Chinese. If until today the Chinese still remember the May 1969 ‘betrayal’, and have never forgotten ‘May 13’, do you think the Chinese have forgotten the 1999 or 2008/2013 betrayals? In fact, the Chinese voters punished Kit Siang (and Karpal Singh) in the 1999 general election for this ‘betrayal’.
In the recent DAP CEC meeting, Lim Kit Siang was whacked for his most disastrous decision of dropping the party’s rocket logo in favour of PKR’s mata lebam (READ HERE: DAP in state of panic and chaos). And now DAP’s Red Bean Army has been told to launch an immediate damage control exercise with its orgy of fake news and doctored photos of so-called ‘massive’ crowds.
It was Kit Siang who went against Chen Man Hin’s advice to not drop DAP’s rocket logo and replace it with PKR’s mata lebam. So now Kit Siang has to undo the mess he got the party into. And he is trying to do this by giving an impression that it was a brilliant decision and the evidence is the massive crowds at opposition pact gatherings.
Not only has Kit Siang mobilised DAP’s Red Bean Army to conduct an orgy of fake news and doctored photographs, he has also asked all the branches to organise crowds at the opposition gatherings. DAP has engaged ‘rent-a-crowd’ contractors to ferry in crowds to all opposition gatherings, especially those featuring Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and other national opposition leaders.
This was what Free Malaysia Today reported: “Najib Razak today dismissed the large crowds attending the PH ceramah in Putrajaya, accusing the opposition of ferrying busloads of people to the administrative capital.”
This rent-a-crowd business is a flourishing business during general elections and by-elections. And these contractors do not have any political affiliations or party loyalty. They will supply crowds to any side as long as you are prepared to pay the price. And they are very good at their job because they have been doing this for a long time.
And if the actual crowd is still not large enough, DAP’s Red Bean Army can doctor the photographs to make the crowd appear more impressive, awesome and breath-taking.

The rent-a-crowd business is big business during general elections and by-elections

But what is the purpose of doing this when it is votes and not crowds that matter?
Well, according to the opposition pact, GE14 is going to see a larger percentage of pengundi atas pagar or undecided voters compared to the 1999, 2004, 2008 and 2013 general elections — estimated to be more than 30%. And this is basically because of the ‘Mahathir Factor’. And KTEMOC KONSIDERS has explained it well in his piece today (SEE ABOVE).
So what Kit Siang is trying to do is to psyche this 30% ‘undecided voters’ that the opposition pact is winning GE14 — the large crowds at opposition gatherings being that evidence. And Kit Siang hopes this will sway the ‘undecided voters’ to decide to vote for the opposition pact since ‘the whole of Malaysia’ is going to vote opposition.

The very confused crowd shouting REFORMASI, an anti-Mahathir battle-cry, during a so-called pro-Mahathir gathering

The opposition pact is facing two serious problems — and only one is already bad enough. First is that they may not get 90-95% of the Chinese votes after all because of the “Mahathir Factor’. There are many Chinese who feel just like KTEMOC KONSIDERS.
Secondly, Mahathir does not seem able to deliver the one million Umno votes after all — while Mat Sabu has failed to capture more than just 200,000 PAS votes from the estimated 1.5 million. So, they need to make up for this serious shortfall of 1.5 million Malay votes.

When Daim and Rafidah were brought out of retirement that was when everyone knew Mahathir was in trouble

Mahathir is so desperate he has brought out Tun Daim Zainuddin and Rafidah Aziz. Even Marina, Mokhzani and Mirzan have been told to hit the campaign trail alongside Mukhriz. Mahathir is trying to throw even the kitchen sink into the campaign.
When Daim and Rafidah were taken out from the closet to be reused for GE14, that was when everyone knew the opposition pact is in deep and serious trouble. You do not start fighting using bows and arrows unless you are out of bullets and rockets.
And to try to recycle the Reformasi battle-cry at all the opposition gatherings is not only very silly but an insult to Mahathir considering that the Reformasi movement is an anti-Mahathir movement. I mean, can you imagine the Israeli opposition party screaming ‘Sieg Heil’? Itu adalah satu kemaluan besar.
Kit Siang’s miscalculation is in thinking that Mahathir would be able to do what Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah did in 1990 and Anwar Ibrahim did in 1999. However, Ku Li and Anwar both migrated with their army, bringing with them a large chunk of Umno members. In fact, Ku Li managed to bring half the Umno leadership with him. Mahathir, on the other hand, is not doing this. All he has is basically a handful of expired Umno leaders such as Daim and Rafidah who no longer command any grassroots support.
And Kit Siang now realises this. But with only 90 hours more to go to polling day, it is too late to do anything other than try to psyche the three or four million ‘undecided Malaysians’ that the whole of Malaysia is with the opposition pact and that they, too, should vote Pakatan.
Anyway, I still stand by my earlier prediction that Barisan Nasional will win around 140 parliament seats while the opposition pact will not be able to win more than 70 seats. And with the ‘chest pains’ that Mahathir suffered at 2.40am this morning, he might have to slow down his campaign or end up in the ICU of IJN. Or is this a drama being created to try to win sympathy votes?


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