
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Malaysians Voters Do Not Agree That PKR Is The Biggest Winner In GE 14 – They Voted Harapan Not PKR

More than 12 000 commented in PKR Wong Chen Facebook Post  . This excluding thousands of others Malaysians commenting in other media web portal Facebook Pages related to this issue.

Sorry but opposition won simply because everyone wants to bring down Najib n his cronies, and because Tun Mahathir is the one leading Pakatan. So basically it was a vote of confidence on Tun Mahathir. If it was only PKR, the opposition would not have won in the first place. This was not a PKR victory, this was a victory of the people. And honestly speaking, although I voted for Pakatan, I do not actually want Anwar Ibrahim or Wan Azizah or Nurul Izzah or Rafizi Ramli or any other PKR idols to be PM. In fact, when Tun Mahathir is ready to pass it on, there should be a popularity vote BY THE PEOPLE to choose who we actually want within Pakatan to become PM. Now that would be power to the people. – Nur Amani
Without Tun, you think PKR could win the rural Malay heartland votes where not even DSAI could accomplished in GE 13 or 14? Leave it to Tun with some authourity to decide whats best. If he doesnt change his old habit or bring in useless Umno ppl in then we can vote them out again. – DN Darying
I think YB Wong Chen does not need to add spice to the on-going saga. Let the heads settle it themselves. Let me remind you that when PH decided to use a common logo where PKR’s logo was selected, the most beneficial party to gain from the common logo use is PKR. We the voters voted many of your PKR YBs not because they are really that good but because the wind of change and the desire of the Rakyat.
Many of us voted the PKR logo not because you guys are really good but only because we wanted change desperately. I hope YB Wong Chen realise that among the 4 parties coalition in PH, DAP is the strongest and with the most quality, follow by PBBM (strong influence with the rural Malays) and PKR comes only 3rd! YB Wong Chen, don’t be greedy. We also know how you guys play the political game.The current scenario will be when DSAI is released, there will be an immediate by-election to make way for DSAI to be active again politically. – Gary Low
Soon we will see father as PM, mother as DPM and daughter as minister and most of the posts from PKR. Is this cabinet a family dynasty? Wow… Cool… Even UMNO knows what is perkongsian kuasa. Do u think you will get 47+1 seats without Tun M? Without Tun we won’t succeed. And without him your Anwar won’t obtain a full pardon. And u don’t even know how to run a federal government. And you can’t even get so many experts retuning home country to help rebuilding our nation. And now u are so rude towards your saviour, your mentor and your Guru? – WH LEONG
Dear IGNORANT Wong Chen,
We have expected this to happen but didn’t foresee this coming this soon. Rafizi said the cabinet didn’t formed together “with the consultation of PKR”, that’s fine. But you started the number game.
1) We voted for PH, not PKR itself only. I bet the same to many Subang voter which gave you one of the highest majority. Don’t take personal pride into that. Put anyone at that seats and they will still win the game because rakyat determined to change.
2) You started the Number game. Yes PKR have the highest number of seats, but only 3 cabinet posts announced now, we have 7 more and more to come, WHY NOW?
3) In GE 13, DAP holds the largest number of seats but yet they gave PKR to act as opposition leader, REMEMBER THAT?
4) Talked about the top 5 posts in cabinet.
– PM (PPBM – and future PKR to-be)
Didn’t you see any check-and-balance of power here? Assuming DSAI becoming PM, it is right to have the top 3 cabinet posts hold by different party to have check-and-balance. Can’t you see this?
This is what we voted PH for. We don’t want the power to hold on single party – thus, STOP the number game.
5) There is a NEED to rush the important minister because Tun M want to give confidence to the people and market before Monday.
6) Tegur Tun M is right and welcome to do so, provided if he did any wrongdoings. But in this matter, personally I see more false in you compared to Tun M. Please don’t make us feels like you are just-another-politician.
7) Rafizi worked tirelessly 2 years with INVOKE. Yes, but please reminded that there are so many politicians who worked harder for this CHANGE. As much respect for Rafizi, we appreciate his effort & he definitely worth a stand in the new governments.

8) Yes we appreciate your team effort but Check-And-Balance must remained. May i remind you again, DPM is hold by PKR now and future PM is set to destiny by PKR de-facto leader DSAI also. The top 3 cabinet minister hold by 3 different party is a healthy way of check-and-balance. Please be more mature Wong, stop being small-minded and do not let Subang’s voter down. – Yong Hao
I believe most people are irked by your post stating the “fact” that PKR has most majority seats and how many seats the other component parties have. We looked at Pakatan Harapan as one, and not the individual parties themselves. If you try to paint the picture that PKR have majority seats and hence should receive important ministerial positions, what is the difference between your thinking and UMNO who thinks they are the boss within BN? Please, we voted for a better coalition, so that changes would be for a better Malaysia. If you don’t see the problem from your statements, then I don’t think you should be in your current position. -Sieh Lih Chuan
I ain’t a professional nor an accountant. This was sent to me by one of the PACAs in my team.
PKR contested in 71 seats and won 49 seats.
Success 69%
DAP contested in 47 seats and won 42 seats.
Success 89%
Warisan contested in 17 seats and won 8 seats.
Success 47%
Pribumi contested in 52 seats and won 12 seats.
Success 23%
Amanah contested in 34 seats and won 11 seats.
Success 32% – Julie Wong

If you are wrong, just admit and we the rakyat as Tun Daim said are easily forgiving. All that reasonings you gave are just excuses, I’m afraid. You were arrogant cos you started your statements by pointing to the seats that keadilan won. So what? Did we vote for you or keadilan? Neither…..We voted for PH. It was a breath of fresh air when PH spoke about equality and all the good stuff, pre election, no race and no religion segmentation. All parties were equal. Just few days after you won, keadilan started to have thoughts of grandeur….47+1 seats….that’s what you used on us rakyat.
Seriously, we were informed by Tun M in the press Conference that there will be the meeting on Saturday to work on the cabinet. Why Keadilan leaders did not attend? If DSAI, one who I respected and support to be the next PM can’t make it coz he’s still in jail, the current president, who’s also the TPM should be able to do that? Make bold decision. It didn’t bode well if TPM would not make decision on her own and be just a proxy.
So all in all, YB Wong Chen, it’s very simple. Do not be arrogant. Lose the sense of entitlement even though it’s not for yourself. Don’t forget the other parties members are your colleagues as well even though they are not in Keadilan. You have upset and pissed off so many people, the people who have through their own hardship supported the cause of PH to have a better Malaysia. We have pushed the PH agenda using social media to help the PH cause, donated our money to you guys. We don’t expect to be taking the piss now. I wish you all the best and looking for your services to the people of Subang. Do not betray the rakyat’s trust once again!! – Chong Kai Woii
Appalling response. What’s so difficult to admit your mistake when you chose to highlight PKR as the largest component party and implying PKR should get more? You do notice the 11k and counting comments were not BN trolls, don’t you? These are real people, people who voted for change. Simple apology and all will be forgotten. But you are too arrogant I see. – James Chong
You are still in DENIAL MODE!
As stated by most of the commenters, some of us did not find fault with Rafizi Ramli with his “tegur” as it was his rights to voice out, for whatever reason it might be. That was a valid point for check and balance – except for the timing and the channel.
What irked most of us was the “arrogant” way that you wrote in defense, as if the main argument is not what TM and the other parties had decided on the 3 most important posts without having all 4 parties being in consensus, but that you are demanding for the most “powerful” (in your own word) posts to be given to PKR because, not once but twice you have mentioned, that PKR has the most seats but “[n]othing yet for PKR, the single largest party in Pakatan?”

Perhaps that you are worried that PKR might not get the majority of the posts given that you had highlighted, “[e]xpectations and anxieties are high that many UMNO MPs will jump to Bersatu in the coming days.” This implies the existence of an unhealthy race between the “single largest party” vs. “Bersatu+Katak” and/or “Warisan+Katak” for ministerial posts.
Perhaps that worry conveniently explained the petition you had posted earlier to ban the hopping of “katak” into PH. Most of us do not condone “katak” culture but it is more on the immorality and integrity aspect, but for one to associate banning of “katak” with the race for ministerial posts and the fear of losing them is equally distasteful and an act of betrayal of the rakyat’s mandate, be it by PKR or any other members of the coalition or even the oppositions.
But perhaps one could try to keep these dirtiness sorted out through proper channels and by proper spokesperson. Known to Malaysians, politics are dirty but the rakyat had voted for a New Malaysia, and we would like PH to keep to its promises. Do not fail us, at least not at this juncture…- Tan Wee Han
How about the point that you mentioned that PKR should have deserved any of the three most “powerful” minister positions as it won the most seats? Do not forget that people voted PH as a coalition, not as PKR alone. Prime Minister has the right to pick the best candidate to serve the post, and I think Tun M did a great job on this. Do not be so arrogant and greedy, and remember to always put people interests in the first place. Please bear in mind that, people can vote you in this time, but can also topple you in the next GE. – Jia-Xiang See
I think what you and Rafizi Ramli refuse to understand is that, the people are not requesting their politicians to not have disagreements or views, and instead line up with their leader and be a “Yes Man”, but instead we request you guys get it done in a diplomatic fashion.
“Nothing yet for PKR, the single largest party in Pakatan?”
– Are you saying that the Deputy Prime Minister is “NOTHING” to you and Rafizi?, doesn’t matter if this was agreed before or after the elections. But is this not a huge milestone? especially since Wan Azizah is the first ever Female DPM in the country?
– Are you also saying that the promise to vacate the Prime Minister position to make way for Anwar Ibrahim is also “NOTHING” ?
Is the issue that PPBM has two people in the cabinet as of now, and one person each from the other parties. I honestly do not see how a PKR led cabinet is going to look like especially with the immaturity that’s flowing out of the party at this point in time, Can you imagine a divided Cabinet?, You guys can’t even align within the party!
To top it off only 3 ministries were announced, 7 ministries out of the 10 ministries have yet to be announced. Don’t you think it’s a little premature to say “Nothing yet for PKR?, Considering PKR has gotten the second most powerful position in the country? and soon the most powerful?”
Both you and Rafizi need to listen to the people with an open mind and heart, and not write off our views as “unhealthy attitude”, “insults” and “BN Behavior” most of the comments did not say Rafizi or you were wrong.. The people just requested (some humbly, some not) that maybe this should have been brought up with the PM, or with the PH Presidential Council prior to going on a massive ego trip, The time for being a whistleblower and the opposition is now over. Inclusiveness is important, but sense of self entitlement is a second issue altogether. It is sad that this in-fighting has caused the voters to seriously doubt a PKR led coalition

I do appreciate your work and also Rafizi’s work on Invoke, i’m a supporter and have contributed to the cause, and I hope you guys continue to do that, it is important work that Invoke did. But credit is due to Tun M, I’m sure there’s survery data from before Tun M was involved to after he was involved and on the campaign trail. It’s easy to sit there and pat yourselves on the back and say the victory is yours, i’d beg to differ. The victory belongs to the people, we decided to change, not the other way around.
However we all have our opinions, the above is mine. – Praburaajan Selvarajan
Dear Wong Chen, please get over yourself.
The people voted for Harapan. If Pakatan fielded my grandma under DAP instead of you, my grandma would be our MP now.
Subang was a super safe zone, it’s a sure win for any Pakatan candidates. That’s the truth.
Also, I do not mind if all 10 cabinet members are from Bersatu, as long as they are qualified. Cabinet members are not some quotas to be filled by each party. – Josh Lee
Dear YB, the crux of the matter which drew thousands (not hundreds) of reprimanding remarks is not whether it was right defending rafizi, neither was it about you seeking a cabinet post.
It is about that issue you made aboit how PKR gained greater majorirty than others. Let me also be absolutely clear that the rakyat didn’t merely vote for PKR but we all collectively voted for pakatan harapan.
If the party represented here in subang jaya is not PKR but Amanah/ PPBM or DAP, we would vote for them as well. – Tay Khek Tjian
What you brought up on your facebook was definitely different from what i understood from Rafizi’s statement. They were totally 2 separate issues . You mentioned about number of MPs won and how this should be reflected on the ministry posts allocation. I would like to ask whether this is a fair method , and do you truly want to be so calculative? What about the total percentage of votes by each party? You must remember not all constituencies with similar number of voters . Most of the constituencies in Klang Valley are with huge number of voters , eg the number of voters in Damansara constituency under Tony Pua has more than140k voters and this could easily equivalent to 5 or 6 small constituencies, so is it fair to count by number of MP ? Or is it fair to voters of Damansara ?
We have just achieved something we couldn’t reach in GE13 . We learned from GE13 not pkr, not dap , not pas or the combination of 3 could do it. This time GE14 , we , voters were offered a package, various parties came together with Dr M and some impressive promises which seemed attractive and workable , So we took the chance and the risk ,we voted PH. We made it this time and the key to this successful change is Dr M. And we have already seen it in last few days , things are happening.
Please be a team player, discuss within your team and do it according to a proper order, there is a President in PKR. – Tee Cee
As the largest component, PKR already gained the top 2 most powerful positions of PM and TPM. So powerful it can sack the 3 minister posts you mentioned. You highlight that the 3 posts are the most powerful in the country. Then wtf PKR wants to dominate the top 5 most powerful positions???!?? There will be no check and balance and PKR is just gonna be another lousy UMNO. Your language and message already betrays you – Yong Song Lee
Wong Chen, don’t come and try to patronize the Rakyat telling us we have an unhealthy attitude and implying that’s the reason for Najib & Rosmah got to rule us for 9 years and all. That was uncalled for and very arrogant of you. Such a pathetic remark and show how petty you can be.
The point we are makin here is: whatever it is just sort it out amongst you Pakatan leaders off the record and only come out with an official statement to correct or clarify the action/misaction by the PM (or any of your Pakatan members for that matter!) in a professional manner. Don’t wash your dirty laundry in public; goes to show that barely a few days in power you can’t even work things out as a team yet claiming you can govern the nation better. Watch your tone when addressing the Rakyat as we were the ones who put you up there and as demonstrated by the recent GE, we can reverse that accordingly.

Don’t come and boast the number of MPs to justify why you deserve powerful posts; is that all you care about? The ministrial posts best to be assigned based on merit rather than how many MPs you have. You guys won collectively as a team and are of equal status and importance regardless of the numbers you pulled in (afterall the number of parliamentary seats contested have been agreed upon based on the strategy as a team. So nothing special about you winning more seats than your other ‘team mates’). To us Rakyat, we gave the mandate to you as a coalition. So don’t come and puff up your chest trying to justify your importance over others. – Hazeril Ezme Azhar. -thecoverage.my

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