
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Pak Lah warns spring can lead to glorious summer or winter of discontent

GE14 | Spring may lead to a glorious summer but can also end up in a winter of discontent for our children...
These were the words of caution from former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to Malaysians who would be casting their ballots in the 14th general election on Wednesday.
In a statement this morning, he said voters should exercise wisdom and rationality when choosing the party that would helm the government.
“Malaysians should be honest and evaluate the promises made by competing parties and distinguish between what is achievable and what are mere promises just to fish for votes,” he added.
In an obvious reference to Pakatan Harapan, which is led by his predecessor and potential successor Dr Mahathir Mohamad (photo), who played a key role in forcing him out of power after one term at the helm, Abdullah said a government comprising those of differing political ideologies who come together for the sole purpose of seizing political power would not be good for the nation.
Abdullah, who is affectionately known as Pak Lah, said the course of the nation should not be changed due to displeasure over certain issues.
“Nothing can be a hundred percent perfect,” he added.
He said Malaysia’s progress since independence was possible because of its political stability and that it was led by leaders who were genuine and sincere in working together and shared the same aspirations and dreams for their nation.
“Throughout the years we also consistently had a smooth transition of power from one prime minister to another which ensured the country’s continued stability and success.
“And whether we continue to be progressive, prosperous and peaceful will be decided by the government we choose on May 9,” he added.
As a person who once led the country, Abdullah hoped to see a higher level of political maturity amongst the candidates as well as political parties, where emotion, anger, and animosity should be rejected.

“As an elderly man who loves his country as any other Malaysian, I would also like to remind those contesting this election that you do so out of a sense of duty to your country and to serve your fellow citizens, and not merely to seize power for power's sake,” he added.
Abdullah said the people’s interests should be the primary concern and not the agenda or political ambition of any particular group of individual.
“I pray that this election will be conducted smoothly and peacefully and the outcome on May 9 will be one that is in the best interest of the nation we love and cherish,” he added. - Mkini

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