
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, May 11, 2018

The Saga Of The Swearing In Ceremony.

Image result for Mahathir sworn PM

What was done to Tun Dr Mahathir yesterday was unacceptable. Also I have never seen Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Siti so upset since one day in the late 1990s. We really have to fix these archaic procedures and Jurassic Park rites.

Last nite the whole swearing in took just a few minutes. Tun Dr Mahathir read the oath and signed it in just a few minutes. The King said nothing at all.  There was not even a formal handshaking or stopping for an official potrait. 

The longest and most boring part was the baca doa - which no one understood at all. Once that was done everyone just got up and left.

The point I am making is, you could surmise that the air around the whole event was actually dismissive.  An "Ok lets just get on with it" type of feeling.

Millions of people, that includes me, lined up for hours to cast our votes. And Tun Dr Mahathir was our choice. That was the democratic process. Yet for two days we were stumped by another process that is not quite the ballot box. How can this be?

If we want to progress, really some fresh rethinking is needed. Wahai orang Melayu, this refers to you folks.

A 93 year old man and his nonagenarian wife were made to wait and wait, then asked to come, then go, then come again. Many rumours were flying too. Surely 21st century Malaysia can find a more simplified and efficient method to effect the placement of elected officials and other public officials. Elected officials like the Prime Minister have already been elected. So much time, debate, vetting and voting has already been done. Yet the whole train can be stopped by a coloured flag that really has no practical value?

In fact we have to redesign the entire voting process. We are still stuck in the Jurassic Park here.

The Penamaan Calon is still so old fashioned and outdated. So much time and money is wasted in this silly procedure. 

You must buy the Pencalonan forms beforehand. You need a Pencadang, Saksi, use ink pen to fill the forms, must come between 8am and 10am on one particular day etc. So much drama. So Jurassic Park. Suited for a people who have nothing much in life but time to be wasted. We really need to grow up. 

We go to the Post Office to pay Road Tax, Car Insurance, pay bills etc. Worse case lets use the same method. Give candidates say 14 days to hand in their Pencalonan Forms at the nearest Police Station. Then the SPR can pick up the forms and issue the Calon some magnetic tag or certificate and put his name and face on the ballot. Apa susah sangat?

Even better get the election candidates to fill in the forms online. GIVE THEM 14 days. Lets just do everything online. And give the SPR up to 14 days to process their application. 

Nama : Ahmad bin Alias. 
No KP : 654856799654. 
Alamat : 

Then the SPR can vet online, communicate errors and queries via email etc. Apa lah susah sangat? Lets make life easier folks. This is the 21st century. 

And please we do not need all those flags, posters and buntings. Its not just a waste of money and messes up the place but it is just plain Third World stupid. Lets just ban all these campaign flags. There are enough smartfones, laptops, tablets and other equipment to broadcast your flag, logo, party message, candidates faces etc. Lets cut out the Third World.

Same with voting day.  When the traffic policeman stops me he punches in my car number into his small handheld computer and immediately knows my name, address, IC number etc.

So why cant our ICs be enough on voting day? Stick your IC into a machine, place your finger on that fingerprint reader and your ballot is printed or issued. Apa susah sangat.  Buy from China lah. Cheap cheap only.

And lets switch to electronic voting. Just press a button. India has been doing it for so long. No need ballot papers.

I went to vote and there were SIX JOBLESS PEOPLE sitting inside that school room. One reads your IC, one calls your name, one dips your finger in that silly ink pot. Three more are scratching their butts. A truly time wasting society stuck in the 1950s.

Its now or never. We need to UNDO. tun Dr Mahathir has to UNDO so many things. Lets get started. Today.

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