
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The 'volcano' that erupted on May 9

Malaysians have finally made their statement and it is clear - their determination towards a change is real, sincere and indeed had a stroke of devotion in it.
The 14th general election has been a fight, a struggle between the people and the mighty BN which, unleashed manifold obstacles against peace-loving voters, and voters who had wanted to exercise their democratic rights.
BN had actually gone on a spree to devise various methods to cause inconvenience, pain and frustration to voters, hoping these irritating elements will prevent them from exercising their constitutional right. That was a very wicked devise on the part of BN.
In fact, BN itself was the author of its own downfall as it miscalculated the people’s mind. It thought by being harsh, rude, and aggressive it could frighten the voters; nay, the people were ready to face the ordeal and inflict a knock-out blow, which is what had happened.
In the fight between the people and BN, the people won. In a democracy, the oppressors must eventually lose. That is the norm.
The results of May 9, 2018 is a lesson that every leader needs to remember. Abuse of power and oppressive measures to secure victory including bribing the voters will not work in this age of science and technology.
BN had dreamt that it could succeed as it had in previous elections by falsities, threats, and inducing fear. They failed to read the people’s mind which was akin to a volcano waiting to erupt, which it did on May 9.
BN believed, the fear culture it had created and nurtured were enough to keep it in power; Umno on its own thought it could retain power by encouraging and being part of corruption. Malaysians, in general had put paid to these cultures and had opened a way for a new Malaysia.
My dear readers, you have been the cause for this meaningful and wonderful change. You have demonstrated that race, religion and language cannot; and are not, barriers to unite the people when freedom is at stake, and when it is threatened.

The courage you have shown, the agony you had gone through over so far has been properly rewarded. You valued freedom and showed you are determined to protect it at any cost.
Thank you for your support. Merdeka! -Mkini

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