
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Wrath Of Kadir On The Hypocrites

Image result for kadir jasin

I attended the same buka puasa (as in the report above) at Tun Dr Mahathir's on Tuesday 22nd May, 2018 at the Perdana Leadership Institute. The call came late on Tuesday and we were in Seremban. I managed to rush back, shower, change and made it to the buka puasa on time.

And  I met Kadir Jasin there.  Kadiaq (as we know him) was standing near the entrance. When I salam-ed him he said 'The hypocrites are here'. Then he kept repeating it, a little louder,   'the hypocrites are here'. Slightly livid when he said it. 

Then Kadir went home and wrote a damning blog post  about the "hypocrites". Free Malaysia Today has picked it up. Here is the gist :

‘Rich backstabbers’ curry favour with Dr M

They spurned him during Najib's time 

flock back after "kowtowing to dedak-eating Najib henchmen", writes Kadir 

Kadir greeted them with disdain at buka puasa with Dr. M 

“hypocrite,  backstabber” billionaires, Tan Sris shunned Dr M during Najib 
disdainful of those who turned their backs on Mahathir during Najib years
Cari makan is important but dignity not to be ignored 
millionaire Datuks, billionaire Tan Sris kowtowed to dedak eating konco of Najib

Kadir Jasin's scathing blog post 
given warning price to pay for their “shenanigans”, contracts, concessions
  • govt must be fair to struggling businessmen who fearlessly supported Pakatan 
  • They should never be sidelined in favour of fat cats and top dogs” he said
  • their sacrifices and bravery must not be forgotten 
  • new federal govt must endeavour to help genuine businessman to flourish

Kadir close to former finance minister Daim Zainuddin
chief adviser to  prime minister Mahathir
spokesman for Council of Elders

Kadir's blog about people who attended buka puasa at Mahathir's office 

people who owed their success to Mahathir
shunned him in his years out of power
“I felt no sense of remorse when I greeted them with disdain,” Kadir wrote 

hard to believe what they did to him
during 22 years Dr M Prime Minster they rose to become millionaires, billionaires
When Dr M in power they celebrated him as if he was a ‘Tua Pek Kong’ 
He was lavishly praised and more lavishly feasted 

when he left office many of these people abandoned him.
became worse when he led opposition to oust Najib 
“mere mention of Dr M caused them to cringe”

singled out Westports chairman G. Gnanalingam “for reminding me that I have not lost a single election that I got involved in, on behalf of Barisan Nasional then, Pakatan Harapan now”

My comments : Well it reflects poorly on the political patronage system that we have / had (?) in our country. 

I really hope that this system of patronage comes to an end. Otherwise we could get back to square one.

As I said I was there too at Dr M's buka puasa. 

There were two types of these people that Kadir Jasin was referring to.   

Both types made their millions and billions during the time of Dr Mahathir. Or because of Dr Mahathir.

But there is a difference. There is one group of the millionaires / billionaires who can already survive on their own feet.  They needed a break and they have made it.

The other group, despite being millionaires and billionaires, still depend on government handout projects to maintain their millions and billions. Without the government handout projects they will just go bust. They may become kambing Jamnapari farmers as well.

I saw both these groups at Dr M's buka puasa on Tuesday.

Folks, tonite there is another "super power" buka puasa. I will be attending. 

This weekend I have a night gathering with some Quranist brothers and sisters on a hill top.  We get revelations. 

There may be another one or two buka puasas.  Then that will be it.   Selamat berpuasa.

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