
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 4, 2018

To all fence-sitters, wake up and rise up

I am not one that is comfortable writing an open letter. Circumstances in this trying time forced me to rise up to call for a united front to change the current government through our democratic rights.
This call is made to all, regardless of race and religion. This election will see the greatest battle in the history of Malaysia to fight the rot that has deepened within our beloved nation.
Choose wisely and make this election a history in the making by turning this nation of ours into a truly democratic country. This is the once in a lifetime chance to shift the deciding power back to the citizens of Malaysian by having a balanced two-party (or alliance in the case of Malaysia) system in the future.
It is now or never that we could have a really good chance of having an opposition winning this election, even with all the cheating mechanisms put in place by the ruling party.
This will be the swan song for elderly Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Lim Kit Siang and their counterparts. Not to mention the high likelihood that Rafizi Ramli and Lim Guan Eng will be in prison if the ruling party wins this election because it will be hard to expect a fair trial for both of them.
The sacrifices of Rafizi and others uncovering the corruption of ruling party will be in vain.
I’ll pledge my support for the opposition this May 9 because I love my country and want to see the formation of a two-party system. Secondly, I hope to see a historical change that shall humble the current ruling party to reflect upon their corrupt and arrogant ways of governing our country.
The judicial system, ROS, EC, MACC, EPF, Bank Negara Malaysia, Tabung Haji and all government-linked bodies and companies should be allowed to run independently with no political intervention from the ruling government.
Until BN grows more moral fiber and severe those decaying organs affected by self-serving corruption, we should never give our votes to them.
To all fence-sitters, wake up and rise up. Help your beloved “tanah air” to make the necessary change for the bright future of our next generation. One who is patriotic means loyalty to your country and not to the ruling party that governs her.
Defend your country not only from the outside forces, but also corruption practices from within the country. One should let your moral compass guide you to do the right thing for the country regardless of who governs her in the absence of any influence from anyone.
I am not saying that when Pakatan Harapan is in power there will be an absolute absence of corruption and Malaysia will turn into a utopia, nor I want BN to fade out from Malaysia politics forever. We need a fair system where two equally strong and credible alliances can contest for our votes.
This can only occur if Pakatan Harapan is given a fair chance to rule the country while BN cleans up their house to rid their vices. All things considered, choose the lesser evil and I would consider the opposition now the only option, for they have many good candidates that work genuinely to reform the country to one that is better.
It is part of my duty as a citizen of Malaysia to urge every fellow Malaysians to perform the single most important task that is to come out and vote this coming May 9.
If you are in agreement with me, feel free to send this message, add anything you like or translate it into any other languages, to all your contacts, especially those who are still undecided.
If every one of us can convince one or two fence sitters, the opposition would have a better chance of winning. To those who are in disagreement with me, please forgive my intrusion and delete this message. - Mkini

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