
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Yoursay: Apandi’s conscience is clear, but 1MDB evidence shows otherwise

YOURSAY | All collaborators must be punished. If not, they will do the same with future tyrants.
Trueglitter: Attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali should not escape the wrath of the angry people nor the long arms of the law when he was clearly perceived to be exceedingly emboldened with shameless disregard for the righteous citizens who have had the great misfortune to cross his path.
Apandi has been well-noted to be an ardent cum protective henchman of the once invincible Najib Razak during his hey days, who has never failed to hog the headlines of social media for all the wrong reasons.
It is an open secret that his abrupt and unexpected appointment as AG was a conniving arrangement to safeguard the much embattled Najib’s political wellbeing, who is alleged to be directly embroiled in the infamous 1MDB scandal.
At the ascendant to his new plumb position as the AG, Apandi abandoned all forms of integrity and has shamelessly took on the urgent task to defend his embattled political master, Najib, at every turn of the way.
Nothing could be more damaging or insulting to our nation than for Apandi to demonstrate his unconcealed stupidity before the global stage when he had exhibited such shameless level of ignorance at disregarding the true conclusion of guilt of those individuals involved in the 1MDB scandal conducted by some renown countries.
In order to wash away the abject shame and degradation that has plagued our once proud nation, the apparently untouchable Apandi should now be brought before the open court.
Anonymous 381541456985626: It is really disappointment to the country for having an AG of this calibre. Even ordinary citizens know the law of land.
But this AG, sitting in highest office, doesn’t seem to know. And he still has the audacity to say, I followed the law.
If I were him, I would resign with dignity, especially if I am not wanted and not deserving.
Salvage Malaysia: Now the AG advises that any action taken against a person must be in accordance with law consistent with the Federal Constitution. Was this adhered to under the previous administration?
Whistleblower Khairuddin Abu Hassan was jailed under Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma). Did that follow law?
Res Ipsa: When the Swiss AG asked for mutual legal assistance (MLA) to investigate money laundering allegations involving 1MDB, you had refused to cooperate and provide such assistance as required.
This occurred on more than one occasions since there were multiple requests. The Swiss then proceeded to complete their investigations without any input from the very source country of those criminal acts. So what conscience are you talking about?
You personally cleared Najib from all wrongdoing related to the RM2.6 billion found in his personal bank accounts.
Even when the US Department of Justice (DOJ) provided evidence of wire transfers to show that the Arabian donation was just a myth, you still stood by Najib without even bothering to reopen the investigations based on fresh evidence.
Where was your conscience then? And weren’t you caught wearing a BN shirt doing a jig at a BN function?
Malaysia4All: Dear AG, no one appears to believe you. If you're clean, as you claim you are, you have nothing to worry.
I agree that the rule of law shall prevail now, unlike before where there was no rule of law, just rule by law.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Apandi, nothing about you is clean as far as the rakyat is concerned. You hold office at the pleasure of the Agong on the advice of the government. If the government no longer has confidence in you, you have to resign or be dismissed from office.
The Agong is only required to be notified because the final decision rests with the PM. If you have any shred of self-respect or dignity left, Apandi, you will resign now before you are pushed out.
Ahbengkia: All collaborators must be severely punished. Otherwise, they will do the same with future tyrants.
Show no mercy, punish them to the full extent of the law. Don’t ever take their excuse they have no choice but to follow order. These people are not pauper.
Lajib: Apandi, just one question, show us the account of the donor and immediate former MO1's (Malaysian Official 1) tax return for the corresponding year.
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Apandi had forfeited his right to defend himself the day he agreed to Najib's scheme to replace Abdul Gani Patail who allegedly drew up a charge sheet against Najib.
Apandi knew why he was appointed and duly dismissed the Special Task Force on 1MDB under his predecessor.
He then exonerated Najib from wrongdoings and duly sealed the auditor-general’s findings under Official Secrets Act (OSA) which amounts to concealment.
There are grounds for him to be investigated on a number of factors related to 1MDB.
Abasir : Your conscience is so clear that you can't see it.
But jokes aside, Apandi, there is, in the public domain, enough of what you said and did/did not do at various times to string you up – metaphorically, of course. -Mkini

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