
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Yoursay: MO1 sounds like a broken record

YOURSAY | The one person who threatens the whole Malaysia is now afraid of Malaysia.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Former PM Najib Razak, why would anyone want to threaten you unless you cheated them. It appears that the rakyat were not the only ones allegedly cheated by you and your wife.
As pointed out by so many readers here, why was the money allegedly donated to BN found in your premises? Unless, of course, you took the money and never used it for the elections.
You have overplayed that donation story once too often. We didn’t believe it the first time either.
Anonymous#007: If I read correctly, there were media reports that Najib claimed the safe in his house had not been opened for about 20 years. And subsequent reports claimed there was cash in the safe.
I hope the authorities are smart enough to trace the year the notes were circulated through the serial numbers. And the jewellery to the year they were bought, if they are custom-made pieces.
If they are less than 20 years ago, Najib has clearly not cooperated with the search and was attempting to hinder ongoing investigations by the authorities.
Vintage9: So it looks like the Arab prince is so generous in giving a donation for Najib to live a lavish lifestyle, and for his wife, Rosmah Mansor, to buy all those luxury handbags and watches. As well as extra cash to keep in bags for him to spend, according to his wishes.
I thought earlier Najib said the donation was for fighting ISIS?
Abasir: What does 1MDB chief Arul Kanda Kandasamy have to say about this latest tale about "those linked directly or indirectly to 1MDB funds abroad had made threats to his life and his family members"?
For the last three years, we were told there was nothing wrong with 1MDB, no money was stolen or lost and to quote the chorus line of fawning, spineless ministers, it was all a lie concocted by the New York Times and Sarawak Report ... and the DAP.
So where have these enemies emerged from? And why have they sprung up only now? Could it be the Saudi donor has put out a contract on Najib because the money which he claimed to have returned never reached the donor?
Anonymous#007: Yes, I wonder, why the threats from people linked “directly and indirectly” to 1MDB when Najib had declared that the RM2.6 billion was a donation from a very generous Arab which Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi claimed he had met?
And who, apparently, had nothing to do with 1MDB, an entity created and headed by Najib. An entity, which through a subsidiary or associated company several layers down had, according to US court documents, been used to siphon monies to Rosmah's son?
Malaysian-United: Previously Najib said the "Arab donor" gave him the money to do as he pleases. So he did. He kept the money for himself and pleased himself, his wife and his kids. He did what he was told.
So what is the issue? Why is he being threatened for doing what he was told?
Quigonbond: We go back to our first question. Who are the donors? We want the documentation trail. It’s really that simple. And it’s interesting. Who overseas want him dead? Are they corrupt too?
If so, he should give their names so that authorities around the world can round them up. Every nation on Earth is only too happy to help Malaysia now.
There is no need for witness protection. The lockup would be a pretty safe place.
Gerard Lourdesamy: He is trying to lay out his defence right now even before a charge. His lawyers must have advised him to cook up this latest story.
To the police and MACC, just proceed with your investigations. Witness protection does not apply to the accused and his accomplices. The donation claim holds no water.
Donations must be paid into BN accounts and not held in cash at his home. When and how did he receive these donations, and from whom?
JhoLock: The one person who threatens the whole Malaysia is now afraid of Malaysia. What an irony.
I am shocked that to date he still believe that donation is okay. I wonder which school or university he went to.
FlabberPro: How could anyone in their right mind give such a humongous amount to a failing and ailing party?
Oh yes, you were surrounded by people who dare not tell you the truth. Now, we tell you, those so-called donations that you received are not donations, but allegedly kickbacks for things you are not supposed to do.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Najib, who wants to threaten you? A Bugis warrior fears no one. Now you are fearful for your life? You must be kidding.
Don't use the political donation excuse again. You have used it so many times that we are already numbed to your alleged lies. RM2.6 billion donated by an Arab prince? My toes are laughing.
Ask the Arab donor to come out to vouch for you, if he dares.
Existential Turd: The provenance of any money is traceable, let alone a large amount. Najib should provide evidence if they are truly "donations". His mere claiming it so is not evidence.
Lovemalaysia2: If they were donations, why keep the cash and not put it in the bank? Receipts and bookkeeping related to the money must be provided to prove where it came from.
All their property must be proven to be theirs. Thankfully, Hermes and the other suppliers will have records matching the serial numbers on the luxury items so the purchasers can be cross-checked.
Indeed, it’s a mammoth job ahead for the police.
Proarte: Why wasn't the money then used for election purposes as your beneficiaries intended, Najib?
Why did you and your family members keep the money and luxury items, including jewellery, at home?
Najib, your lies are not even logical.
Oscar Kilo: Najib wants witness protection? So that he can testify against himself? - Mkini

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