
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Yoursay: Sabahans can keep griping about Dr M, or go for second chance

YOURSAY | 'Despite what Dr M had done, we still need to support Harapan to rectify all the wrongs.'
Anonymous_3f4b: The heading of this article 'For some Sabahans, Mahathir still a major put off' is misleading. It's not “some Sabahans”, but “most Sabahans”.
This old man had changed the political demographics and landscape of Sabah since his fallout with Joseph Pairin Kitingan circa 1985.
Till now, he has not had the guts to visit Sabah. He is a persona non grata there and will be cursed if he sets foot in Sabah.
Spinnot: Lack of economic development aside, Sabahans dislike former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad because of Project IC, for swallowing up Labuan, and bringing Umno into the state.
That's why the opposition's PM designate until now has not set foot in Sabah. If he does, the opposition would lose votes.
TC Chan: Mahathir is no angel, but he could only do what he had done with the connivance and expressed support of Sabah BN leaders.
Pairin is a good example. He stood against Mahathir and BN for a time and was feted as a hero.
Then he joined BN and is as steadfast a BN supporter as any Sabah BN leader, then or now. Usno was absorbed into Umno in 1996, which was tragic for Sabah.
Get rid of the current administration and you can get a second chance. Otherwise, just keep on moaning and groaning and blame everybody else.
Reverse123: Dr M retired in 2003, so don't just blame him. Sabah Umno and BN, including PBS, Upko and Usno, have been at the helm the last 15 years but did nothing except enrich themselves.
Sabah also has had nine full ministerial positions in Putrajaya. Yet it's still the least productive state (in terms of GDP per capita) in the nation.
Anonymous: Who swept the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) report on Project IC in Sabah under the carpet? BN, of course.
Chief Minister Musa Aman ruled for last 15 years, but has he done anything to raise the RCI report on Project IC?
Did Umno do anything to raise the Project IC? Of course, the answer is no.
Thickskin: If there were Project IC voters still around, why were they not removed after Mahathir retired? There is no point blaming him now.
All my friends here in Sabah look to Dr M as the saviour of Malaysia, and a means to kick out the allegedly most corrupt Sabah chief minister in history.
Anonymous_c9b96c38: Let it be known that Pakatan Harapan supporters have never forgotten what Dr M had done.
In his own wisdom, he did what he thought was right for the Malays. He was, and still is, pro-Malay, as is every single Umno cabinet minister then and now. Just as MCA is pro-Chinese and MIC is pro-Indian.
So don’t just blame Mahathir - blame Umno and BN. Mahathir wanted to increase Malay wealth. But was there investigation here or overseas on Mahathir's wealth at the time? None.
So, if you in Sabah don’t like what Mahathir had done, then don’t vote for BN.
Vote Warisan, DAP, PKR or Amanah. Mahathir in Harapan is not the same Mahathir who was in BN. The component parties in Harapan are totally different from BN.
You have two choices for the next PM – Najib Razak with Umno/BN, or Mahathir with Harapan.
One you have been stuck with for years, famous for 'you know what', and the other, an old man who wants to rectify his mistakes. Who would you prefer?
HeMan: Despite what Dr M had done, we still need to support Harapan in order to rectify all the wrongs done in the past.
Rest assured that Harapan (read PKR, DAP, Amanah) will not allow any party to do what had been done to Sabah, ever again.
And that is why we need this check and balance. So vote against BN, get it?
JusticeNow!: There is only one way out for Sabahans - fight project IC with project IC.
For that, you don't have much choice, you need Mahathir together with Harapan and Warisan. With them, you have a chance to correct some of the injustices of Umno/BN.
With Umno/BN, there is no chance and no change.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Go on. Make Dr M’s day. Charge him and arrest him. The GE14 results would then be well and truly over for BN. It’s on its way down now.
Charging Dr M would be like kicking oneself in the one's own butt.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Our police can only talk big when it comes to opposition leaders.
Ask them to explain how many occasions have they recorded statements from caretaker prime minister Najib Razak or his wife Rosmah Mansor in relation to police reports made against them?
Clever Voter: How does one differentiate an opinion from fake news? One can express anything he wishes, based on the evidence, and that's not fake.
It may not be adequate, but still, can we call it fake news? Do we need a BN-friendly judge to decide?
Odysseus: Nowadays, you are not even allowed to think and express your opinion.
Perhaps unless, if your opinion is in line with the herd mentality of the hippos and the rest of the beasts, I suppose that would be alright. - Mkini

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