
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, May 25, 2018

Yoursay: Umno/BN, learn to be humble and you shall rise again

YOURSAY | It’s not in the interests of Malaysians to see Umno/BN destroyed.
Ketil Sd: Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is accusing the Pakatan Harapan government of ruling based on hatred.
Gosh! He could not even differentiate between a Harapan government's attempt to clear up the criminal mess left behind by the Najib administration and a truly divisive and hate-filled BN government.
If there was a government which ruled on hate that would be the infamous Najib administration of which Zahid was a part.
With nation re-building now on feverish pace after only two weeks in power, the rakyat look forward to a competent and responsible BN opposition.
A competent opposition is an integral part of a vibrant democracy. If Zahid is to continue leading Umno, and hence the opposition pact, I'm afraid, Malaysians can only see a feudal opposition that is warped in time.
It looks like Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin may be our only hope of change in leading a more responsible and competent opposition.
A chameleon he might have been, but once released from feudal bondage, let's hope that he'll revive his intellectual latency.
New Hope: Zahid is still living in a fool's world. We are building a new Malaysia based on unity and mutual respect and not on race and religious baiting to divide the communities.
It is true that the people rose up to remove Umno, and to an extent, 'hate' them. It has nothing to do with the Malay community as a whole but the Umno clique who lie, cheat and rob the country and even the institutions set up to help the Malay community.
You are quite right that a government filled with hate will not last. But this is a government set up to right all the wrongs done by Umno and restore the rights back to the people.
Umno may rise again but not under the current class of leaders who has no idea of how to run a country and enrich themselves by supporting an alleged thief in the midst of international evidence of all the money laundering activities to run the country for their own benefit.
A party that sacrifice the future generations for their own benefit today is not fit to be part of the government.
By the way, we are still waiting for you to tell us the identity of the Arab donor and evidence of his donation to Najib.
Until you come clean and proof that you are not a liar, you are no better than Najib as you are part of his team of kleptocrats.
It is better that you keep quiet and think about how you are going to explain your statements when you meet the investigators.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Let Zahid and Umno continue to be in denial mode as to the true causes of their crushing defeat.
Just like a doctor who made the wrong diagnosis and subsequently gave the patient inappropriate medicine, the patient will not recover or worst still succumbed to his illness. The same goes for Umno.
Anonymous_b67840c8: Stop playing the victim, Zahid. What do you mean that Harapan won by raising issues that BN cannot respond to? And why couldn’t it respond?
BN cannot respond because you have no good answer to explain your corruption. You need to wake up from the delusion that the voters were just doped into voting for Harapan.
Quite the contrary, we made the decision because we are done with a corrupt BN.
Anonymous 7478653098613829: Umno and BN can definitely make a comeback if the parties are smart enough to attract the right and talented members. Unfortunately, the current leaders in Umno, MCA, MIC, MyPPP, etc, are the ones who caused the loss of power.
So, Zahid, sorry to say that you do not have the right quality to revive Umno. Look at DAP or PKR. They attracted talented people like Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah, Tony Pua, Gobind Singh Deo, etc.
These are the talents who brought up the scandals in 1MDB, National Feedlot Corporation, Felda, Tabung Haji, Mara, etc. These are the issues that highlighted the extreme poor governance of BN.
Furthermore, BN showed arrogance, provoke racial sentiments, and throw money around during the election as if the rakyat are beggars. So is it a surprise that BN lost power?
For BN and Umno to come back, there is a need for a total rejuvenation of policies, of people, etc. Are people like Zahid are up to the challenge?
True Malaysian: Zahid, it's the previous BN government who created an environ of fear and hatred, not Harapan. So be a responsible and effective opposition. Do not commit the same mistakes like Najib.
Remember, cash is not king anymore. The people are smarter and more discerning now. Don't ever take the people for a ride and for granted anymore, like what BN did.
Learnt your lessons well and move on to be the people's champion. Then we may give you a chance in GE15.
Orang Putih PJ: Strangely enough, I agree with Zahid to an extent. It depends on Umno/BN’s capacity to reform and rebuild.
It really is not in the interests of Malaysians to see Umno/BN destroyed, merely that it needs ‘time out’ to learn a lot of humility and that it’s there to serve the rakyat not for the rakyat to fear it.
Wira: Umno/BN will have to reform to regain the confidence of the people. Look at Taiwan. The defeated KMT (Koumintang) took two terms to return to power and that's only because the then DPP president of Taiwan was corrupt too.
I hope Umno, as the backbone of BN, will truly reform and return as an honest party to vie for our votes.
Sirach: Yes, Malaysians do wish for a vibrant opposition to keep the government in check. So there’s indeed hope for BN, but only if it does some real soul-searching and reforms itself from top to bottom.
We The Rakyat: No government will last forever. That is the truth. What the rakyat wants is the ruling government is faithful to the rakyat. Once the government fails, people will elect a new one.

The true power lies with the people, not the politicians. - Mkini

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