
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Court Case In London Confirms PAS Took UMNO Money

Folks, recall that Hadi Awang is suing Sarawak Report for libel in a London Court. This is over the accusation by Sarawak Report that PAS took money from UMNO.  Well there have been some most interesting developments in that case. The accusation that PAS did take money from UMNO is almost a fait accompli  according to evidence presented in the Court so far. Here be Sarawak Report on the matter :

Lawyers, acting for PAS president Hadi Awang in a legal case being waged in London against Sarawak Report, have now conceded that a controversial recording said to be of a senior PAS MP, Nik Abduh, is genuine.

Speaking in court yesterday barrister Jacob Dean confirmed that Hadi will not contest the authenticity of the recording, removing the need for expert forensic evidence to identify the speaker. 

Hadi’s lawyers further indicated that Nik Abduh and possibly others present at the time of the recording (thought to include Hadi’s son-in-law, Zaharuddin Muhammad), would be among the witnesses his client plans to call to give evidence at trial:

As a result of the indication about the number of witnesses which both parties intend to call, the Judge ordered that the trial, due to start on 1 April 2019, should be listed for 11 days.

We anticipate 8 or 9 witnesses [for] issues raised by the truth defence. There are allegations that owners of a religious school received funds. Allegations that the claimant’s political secretary, who was running the election campaign, knew of relevant payments. Then [that] the claimant’s close associate, Dr Marzuki, finally admitted that PAS had received a payment….

It seems likely he [Dr Marzuki] needs to give evidence. [Also the] Treasurer of PAS. Also 3 trustees of an account that is said to have received corrupt funds, at least one possibly two of those [trustees]. That takes you to six. Then there is the man on the tape, Nik Abduh. That’s our preliminary estimate for witnesses on what is pleaded….. [Jacob Dean, barrister for Hadi Awang]  ! ! ! ! ! !
Dean informed the judge that Hadi intends to fly the above people from KL to support his case in London, in order to contest those allegations in the Sarawak Report’s Defence.

Original Denials

The decision to concede that the voice on the recording was indeed Nik Abduh, stood in marked contrast to previous public denials made by Nik Abduh himself and also appears to conflict with statements made by PAS before the General Election.

The controversial statements on the recording itself included the following translated remarks:

  • “During the Sarawak Election, people did co-operate with UMNO to defeat DAP. 
  • Regarding the monetary issue, the fatwa [legal opinion] was already in place. 
  • It was apparent that Tok Guru Nik Aziz took UMNO’s money
  • Tok Guru Haji Hadi took UMNO’s money
  • I took UMNO’s money 
  • everyone accused took UMNO’s money!!

  • Among the reasons why we succeeded was with UMNO’s help. 
  • UMNO helped us to achieve victory. 
  • In 10-11 of these activities. 
  • That is us being smart. Umno is stupid. 
  • Why do people keep asking us about UMNO’s money? 
  • This issue is now over. 
  • Tok Guru Nik Aziz took a considerable amount of UMNO’s money. 
  • Not a problem? 
  • Tok Guru Harun Din, not a problem. 
  • This meeting today not a problem.

…. I have met Tok Guru Haji Hadi. Tok Guru Haji Hadi said lucky you taking UMNO’s money. Just do whatever we want. But do not use the money for our private matters. For our personal gain. Instead, use it for Islamic purposes. That’s why we have good relations with UMNO today… why Najib can even accept RUU amendments [Translated]

On 28th February, following the release of the recording online, Nik Abduh denounced the recording on his Facebook page, describing the claim that the speaker was him as ‘rubbish and slander’ and threatening that God would punish those responsible for making what he called defamatory actions by disseminating the tape and for suggesting the speaker was him:

“The claim that it is me speaking in the conversation is all nonsense and slanderous.

“PAS is a party that doesn’t get involved in matters that are prohibited by Islam, including taking bribes from Umno and following DAP around.”  [translation by Malaysian Insight]

My comments :  Folks, remember what I said about religious people ? 

They are L _ A R S!    ALL of them.  

Not just these political animals but ALL religious people. 

It is their stock in trade. Without telling L _ E S they just cannot function.  

Which is why their religion leads them to s_tanic behaviour. 

Which is why every single person who follows these religious people always becomes a loser.

Dont believe me? Here is my evidence :  YOU.

Be honest - what good have you gained in your lives from listening to these religious people?  

ALL over the world, they are the losers. 
So please do not be saying that somehow in this country they are winners.

Minus the Petronas money that we have been dishing out, minus the subsidies, minus the NEP handouts YOU really do not have anyone else to thank for whatever good that you have. 

As a final note, UMNO has lost. Babuji says UMNO has no more money. So who is going to foot the bill for this very expensive London barrister who is representing PAS? Who is going to pay the airfares for all those witnesses they will have to fly to London?

The case is set for April 9th, 2019.  

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