
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Why are so many people criticising Anwar Ibrahim? Here is another one from Finance Twitter.

Hello Anwar Ibrahim supporters - please ask yourself this question : Why are so many intelligent people criticising Anwar Ibrahim? 

Here is another analysis from Finance Twitter.  Ini bukan saya cakap tau. Ini Finance Twitter yang cakap. Jangan marah saya tau.  Saya tukang kipas sahaja. Ha ha ha.

So please dont say that I am the only intelligent fellow (ha ha ha again) to be criticising Anwar Ibrahim.  All the thinking people are critical of Anwar Ibrahim. 

Only you fellows, the not very intelligent, the unthinking masses are easily swayed by his pretending and acting. 

Ok enough said. Here is Finance Twitter (click here for full story), truncated of course, for your easy reading.

Anwar  changed man
years in jail – twice – for sodomy
become vengeful, believes nation owes him  premiership

After pardon by Agong, Anwar spoke highly of monarchy
even flew to Kelantan to meet king’s mother

Anwar consolidating his power

Since pardon, visited sultans of Johor, Selangor, Pahang, Perak
kissed tons of monarchies’ hands, of course

Anwar want people to forget he was a sodomite (sodomist??)

Mahathir never said Anwar innocent of anal intercourse
Mahathir said informed by police that Anwar homosexual 

Anwar never leader material
he was Islamic extremist, co-founder of ABIM

supporters shocked when he joined UMNO in 1982 
couldn’t resist temptation of power and money 

Kadir mock him for being King's bootlicker, Anwar berserk
slammed Kadir over “disparaging remarks” 
Anwar, whining, bitching for freedom of speech suddenly become hypocrite

Kadir sarcastically blogged – “I wouldn’t dare say Rulers are so insecure they need to be assured and comforted. Rulers are confident and assured as ever before. They are guaranteed by the Constitution, lavishly provided for, wealthy and even Anwar kissed their hands!”

monarchies didn’t bother to stop Najib plundering country  
monarchies give hard time to new govt to appoint Tommy Thomas 

Kadir exposed King’s expenses totaled RM256.9m in 16 months
government only allocates RM13.5m annually for King
eye-popping RM130m taxpayers’ money to feed 10 monarchies every year

Anwar claimed personally met Malay rulers 
worked hard to get Malay rulers appreciate new administration ?? 
What grass has Anwar been smoking since release from prison?

Which part of constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy he don’t u'tand? 
Why work hard to get monarchies to appreciate new government?
which was chosen by people through ballot box? 
Should not he remind monarchies to appreciate the people instead?

Anwar said “arduous” to reassure Malay rulers on Mahathir administration
he is suggesting monarchies are dumb? 

Anwar consolidating power by bootlicking monarchies 
to ensure Mahathir quits when 2-year period ends
buying fire-power to boot Mahathir earlier than 2-years
impatient Anwar can’t wait to sit on throne

Mahathir’s leadership proven – twice 
leadership of Anwar now in question

Anwar failed since 1998 to topple corrupt BN
Mahathir did it in 2 years since 2016

Anwar failed to see importance of common logo
Mahathir made it mandatory

Anwar failed despite fire-power from PAS in two general elections 
Mahathir succeeded even without PAS, who supported BN

Anwar campaigned in Sabah and Sarawak in two general elections
Mahathir didn’t step foot in both states but won nevertheless

does Anwar have intnl network to help country’s financial problems? 
Going to IMF and reciting Erdogan's  name will not help

Kadir official spokesman of Council of Elders 
his piece of mind has blessing of Mahathir

Source : Finance Twitter

My comments :  Why are so many intelligent people criticisng Anwar Ibrahim? 

Folks, read those points above. 
Are any of them not true?

Many of you Anwar Ibrahim supporters keep asking me why I am so focussed on Anwar Ibrahim.  I am not.  Anwar is not relevant. Never was, never will be. He is just too much of a dud. 

My target is not Anwar. 
My focus is YOU. 
You and you only. 
You are relevant. 
No matter how stupid you are, you are still relevant.
We live here bro. 

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