
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, June 28, 2018

Yoursay: RM1.1b haul - Najib is not the disease, he’s the symptom

YOURSAY | ‘He couldn't have done this without the connivance of so many people in power…’
Abasir: I wonder if ‘Datin Seri Bonnie’ and ‘Datuk Seri Clyde’ realised the stash they squirrelled away to the Pavilion Residences would blow up the way it did?
This haul really highlights the quintessence of Umno's struggle. It spotlights the culture of aspiration, acquisition and ostentation that Umno struggled so hard for so long to impart among its more rabid followers.
This is truly leadership by example and if so, points to the possibility that all others in Umno's supreme council have similar hordes tucked away somewhere.
Therefore, an inspection of the vaults, suitcases and pillowcases of all the others who struggled for ‘bangsa’ dan ‘agama’ (and plotted and connived to remain in the struggle during every Umno election) should reveal billions more.
In the end, two things should be clear to everyone - the New Economic Policy (NEP) as crafted by the crafty Abdul Razak Hussein has been a success beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and being part of Umno’s ‘struggle’ pays really handsomely.
Anonymous 2478181499087834: Protector of race, religion and royalty, huh?
Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, now you know why Malaysians are so much against continuing the NEP in its hijacked form.
Under the guise of the clarion call of helping the poor Malays, a select group of privileged Malays have plundered the country for over six decades and left those who actually needed help to rot.
Najib is not the disease, he is but a symptom. He couldn't have done this without the connivance of so many people in power and authority along the gravy train tracks.
The focus should be helping all Malaysians who are poor and in need, not just Malays. If you still want to pursue the NEP, by all means, but please use the money recovered from this looting by the masters and beneficiaries of NEP.
Invest the hard-earned taxpayer money to enable other well-meaning Malaysians to work hard to prosper the country. Remember, you would not have won the election, if not for the enlightened ordinary Malays who themselves were disgusted with Umno and money politics.
That is why despite all the money and goodies thrown at them before the 14th general election, the people turned their back on Umno. Don't think continuing NEP in its current form will win popularity among the Malays, otherwise you will face the same fate as BN.
Fyddeep: Jewellery, handbags, luxury watches and cash totalling RM1.1 billion?
How shameful. The BN government under the control of Umno bullied and sidelined the other ethnic groups in the name of protecting race and religion, and this is the result?
You reap what you sow. The greatest damage Umno have done is to the very people they are supposed to defend.
Observer: Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and his cronies have redefined service to the nation. It seems their redefinition implies that the nation services their greed.
No wonder, Najib was distraught when he lost the elections. He knew all the evidence of greed and corruption that was buried with his yes-men would now be revealed and shown to the whole world.
Benar123: And true to form, up comes Najib to explain that these are all gifts. But if the gifts are worth RM1.1 billion ringgit, what did the givers get in return?
Anonymous 2478181499087834: Najib says every item seized is a gift and has been clearly identified and tagged with details of donors.
MACC and the police should now summon the former prime minister and his wife, and ask them to account for each item, so we know what these were given in exchange for.
This will be Exhibit A for the court case later on, and you can get leads on their accomplices.
Mighty Bear: Imagine, this is just petty cash and things to wear. People's real worth is in properties, vehicles, businesses and investments they own all over the globe.
I hope the Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigations Department, MACC and the Inland Revenue Board will look into these bigger items soon in a holistic manner like the US Department of Justice (DOJ) did.
Anonymous 2478181499087834: Indeed, in accounting terms, loot recovered from homes is termed ‘cash in hand’ as it is basically meant for immediate use or small payments.
Usually this amount is less than one percent of the total net assets at any one time for security reasons.
So imagine if we could collect back all the money stored by Najib and company is safe deposit boxes and investments. We could pay back a huge chunk of the RM1 trillion national debt and liabilities in no time.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: I would not be surprised if some former ministers do have at least a quarter of what Najib has in his possession.
If Najib can allegedly steal billions with impunity, then surely loyal warlords got away with stealing tens of hundreds of millions.
Kangkung: And yet, even with all the evidence on display in front of them, there will still be those who will defend Umno, if not Najib himself.
There are no words to describe this absolute decadent greed. Najib and Umno are the epitome of corruption. It is truly amazing that after all this, come the Umno election this Saturday, there will be those still vying for posts still functioning as if nothing has happened.
Umno should be declared an illegal organisation after what it has done to the country. We cannot let this most corrupt organisation function in any shape or form ever again.
Fear God’s Judgment: I still remember Rosmah's advice to women: "Self-image doesn't mean we wear expensive or branded clothes. But it's enough that we wear something that suits the event – neat, stylish, and proper.”
Now I see the list of the items in her possession. My, my, greediness knows no limits. While the citizens were forced to live in poverty, and her husband was fudging poverty statistics, they have enjoyed life to the fullest.
I truly pity them and sympathise with their misfortune. But people must reap what they sow. For others, this should be a lesson. No matter how powerful you are, you can always fall one day.
Hmmmmmmmm: The government should hold an exhibition with all the seized jewellery, bags and tiaras on display for a year and charge entry fees.
I bet you that we can recoup millions just from the exhibition for Tabung Harapan Malaysia.
Anonymous_bc3d2fe3: My wife says the 10 watches in my collection are too many. I have to make her read this article. - Mkini

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